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Directions (1-15): In each of the questions given below an incomplete sentence which must be filled/completed with one of the sentences/phrases given below i.e. one of the sentences/phrases can be fit into the given blanks. Choose the correct option and complete the given sentences.  

Q1. In 1962, a meteorite ------------------------ 21 kg was found at Efremovka, now in Kazakhstan. 
 None of the above
'Weighing' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means to have a specified weight.

Q2. ------------- the first-formed solids of the solar system were the calcium aluminium-rich inclusions (CAI). 
 None of the above
'Among' is the correct fit for the blank here.

Q3. The CAIs become the refractory components within meteorites with irregular shape and are predominantly ---------------------- of oxides and silicates of calcium and aluminium. 
 None of the above
'Composed' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means to consist of.

Q4. The first suggestion of irradiation by the Sun as a source of elements found in early solar system solids came from a ------------------- of the beryllium-10 radio nuclide in the Allende meteorite. 
 None of the above
'Study' is the correct fit for the blank here.

Q5. The 0.7 m GROWTH-India telescope at the Indian Astronomical Observatory located in Hanle, Ladakh, has made its first science ------------------------- which is a follow-up study of a nova explosion. 
 None of the above
'Observation' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means the action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone.

Q6. Buried beneath a kilometre of snow and ice in northern Greenland, scientists have ---------------------- an asteroid impact crater, bigger than the area of Paris. 
 None of the above
'Uncovered' is the correct fit for the blank here.

Q7. The mailman ----------------------- all of the packages, sorting them by location so that they could be easily delivered. 
 None of the above
'Processed' is the correct fit for the blank here.

Q8. For the ‘readers’ who had --------------------- at the British Council Library on Sunday, the books they were about to go through were of the human variety. 
 None of the above
'Assembled' is the correct fit for the blank here.

Q9. As Japan’s Emperor Akihito prepares to -------------------, the country gears up for the Reiwa era. 
 None of the above
'Abdicate' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means to resign from (a responsibility or duty).

Q10. Since he smokes regularly, the ---------------------- cigar-smoker has a high risk for lung cancer. 
 None of the above
'Frequent' is the correct fit for the blank here.

Q11. The basic laws of physics have been established for a long time, so long that they are considered ---------------- by almost all educated people. 
 None of the above
'Irrefutable' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means impossible to deny or disprove.

Q12. The world famous orchestra will ------------------- on its international tour after tomorrow’s concert. 
 None of the above
'Embark' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means begin (a course of action).

Q13. A long-lost relative of the ---------------------- king insisted that he was heir to the throne. 
 None of the above
'Deceased' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means the recently dead person in question.

Q14. The rebels killed all the members of the -------------------- family in order to stop the dynasty from continuing its reign. 
 None of the above
'Imperial' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means imperious or domineering.

Q15. Even though he is my relative, I ----------------- the way my greedy uncle runs his business. 
 None of the above
'Despise' is the correct fit for the blank here and it means feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.

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