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Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Four words are suggested against each number which may or may not fit into the sentence contextually. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. Find out the most appropriate alternative [word(s)] which fits into the blank appropriately and thus giving a contextual meaning to the paragraph.
Seldom has a physicist (1) commanded/charged/assigned/recalled the attention of a world audience the way Stephen Hawking managed to do in his (2) amazing/miraculously/poorly/remarkable extended life-span of 76 years. (3) Overlooked/Defined/Diagnosed/Qualified at 21 with motor neuron disease ALS, Hawking defied the prediction that he had but a couple of years left to live, (4) for/with/at/in more than half a century. As Stephen himself noted, he was born (5) accurately/exactly/precisely/perfectly three centuries after Galileo. He would have noted, were he aware that the end was (6) nigh/almost/anticipate/essential in the early hours of March 14 that this day was Albert Einstein’s birthday.
In many (7) respects/aspect/regard/acclaim, the phenomenon of the celebrity scientist in the 20th century (8) commenced/originated/emanated/evolved with Albert Einstein. For Galileo, Kepler or Copernicus to acquire that status was (9) desperate/excited/rabid/fraught with danger as it challenged religious authority, a sin for which Galileo had to pay, though not so tragically as the (10) meek/reckless/discreet/rapid Giordano Bruno who was burnt at the stake.
(a) charged
(b) recalled
(c) commanded
(d) assigned
(e) None of the above
(a) miraculously
(b) poorly
(c) amazing
(d) remarkable
(e) Both (c) and (d)
(a) Qualified
(b) Overlooked
(c) Diagnosed
(d) Defined
(e) None of the above
(a) in
(b) for
(c) with
(d) at
(e) None of the above
(a) precisely
(b) perfectly
(c) exactly
(d) accurately
(e) All of the above
(a) almost
(b) essential
(c) nigh
(d) anticipate
(e) Both (a) and (c)
(a) acclaim
(b) regard
(c) aspect
(d) respects
(e) All of the above
(a) originated
(b) evolved
(c) commenced
(d) emanated
(e) All of the above
(a) excited
(b) fraught
(c) desperate
(d) rabid
(e) Both (a) and (b)
 (a) discreet
(b) rapid
(c) reckless
(d) meek
(e) None of the above
Directions (11–15): Which of the words/phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the words/phrases given in bold in the following sentences to make it meaningful and grammatically correct? If the given words perfectly fit into the sentence and do not require any replacement, choose (e) i.e. ‘No replacement required’ as the answer.
Q11. The American College Health Association viewed 100,000 college students at 53 American campuses and fixed that 84 percent of them feel unable to cope, 79 percent are energized, 60 percent feel very sad and more than half are exploiting overwhelming anxiety.
(a) surveyed, found, exhausted, experiencing
(b) checked, raised, limped, doing
(c) examined, predicted, blown, trying
(d) assessed, concluded, lost, neglecting
(e) No replacement required
Q12. There are certain books which when you put them down keep you absolutely still for a while. Apart from making you acutely aware of an alternate reality, they never fail to produce a flash of insight, a spark of intuition that would not occur to you otherwise.
(a) dubious, roughly, wisdom, perception
(b) strict, severely, ignorance, feeling
(c) definite, plainly, guile, smartness
(d) concrete, overtly, sharp, idea
(e) No replacement required
Q13. Although the desirable butterfly has a life span of one or two weeks, or a wondrous flower usually sink within a day, yet each of them fixedly spreads silently the message of cheer unlike humans, quite concern of the chances of their survival even for the all-too-brief period allotted to them.
(a) pretty, expand, explicitly, insensible
(b) engaged, diminish, inevitably, abstract
(c) bewitching, wilts, unfailingly, oblivious
(d) lovely, fade, assuredly, sensitive
(e) No replacement required
Q14. Various other research studies cite that the American first-use option and keeping its weapons on tardy launch mode plays a large role in forcing Russia and China to field a delayed amount of their nuclear forces in a launch-under-attack mode so as to avoid any kind of serving nuclear strike.
(a) show, prompt, sizable, disarming
(b) arrays, rapid, considerable, charming
(c) views, immediate, gross, silky
(d) parade, activate, massive, civil
(e) No replacement required
Q15. The issue of development as underlined in Doha Development Round is important, and that is related to unjustified subsidies given by developed nations, and this can’t be sacrificed. Discussion on Doha Development Round is still pending and that has to be completed.
(a) subject, reasonable, absolved, improbable
(b) source, flimsy, honored, clouded
(c) question, false, revoked, overdue
(d) deal, idle, repudiated, sneaky
(e) No replacement required

Quiz 26 - Answers

S1. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “commanded” best fits into the context of the sentence. The expression “commanded the attention” gives a contextual meaning to the sentence which isn’t the case with the other words given as options. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.
Command means give an authoritative or peremptory order.
Assign means allocate (a job or duty).
S2. Ans. (a)
Sol. The word “miraculously” fits into the sentence appropriately. It is to be noted that the blank requires an adverb than an adjective. Moreover, the expression “miraculously extended life-span of 76 years” gives a coherent meaning to the paragraph. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.
Miraculously means in a way that suggests or resembles a miracle.
Remarkable means worthy of attention; striking.
S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “diagnosed” gives the most logical meaning to the sentence as it means identified the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms. Other words give the vague meaning to the sentence. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.
Overlook means fail to notice.
S4. Ans. (b)
Sol. The preposition “for” fits into the sentence most appropriately. Other prepositions cannot be used as they do not give the contextual meaning to the sentence. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.
S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. All the given words can fill the gap appropriately as all four words give the similar meaning to the sentence. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.
S6. Ans. (e)
Sol. Both the words “nigh” and “almost” fit into the sentence perfectly giving a contextual meaning to the sentence. Both these words mean the same. The other two words cannot be used as they would alter the meaning of the sentence. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.
Nigh means almost.
Anticipate means regard as probable; expect or predict.
S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. The word “respects” gives the contextual meaning to the sentence. It is to be noted that the use of the adjective “many” indicates that the noun/pronoun it signifies should be in plural, which isn’t the case with the other three words. Hence option (d) is the correct choice.
Acclaim means praise enthusiastically and publicly.
Regard means consider or think of in a specified way.
Respect means a particular aspect, point, or detail.
Aspect means a particular part or feature of something.
S8. Ans. (e)
Sol. All the given words can fill the gap appropriately as all four words give the similar meaning to the sentence. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.
Originate means have a specified beginning.
Emanate means originate from; be produced by.
S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. The word “fraught” fits into the sentence most appropriately. The expression “fraught with danger” gives a meaningful sense to the sentence. Other words cannot be used as they would give illogical meaning. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.
Fraught means (of a situation or course of action) filled with (something undesirable).
Desperate means feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
Rabid means having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.
S10. Ans. (c)
Sol. The word “reckless” gives the contextual meaning to the sentence which is not the case with the other given words. The word can be connected to the sentence forming a meaningful sentence contextual to the paragraph. Hence option (c) is the correct choice.
Reckless means heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous.
Discreet means intentionally unobtrusive.
Rapid means happening in a short time or at a great rate.
Meek means quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive.
S11. Ans. (a)
Sol. “surveyed, found, exhausted, experiencing” is the most appropriate set of words that should replace the existing ones to make the sentence meaningful. Hence (a) is the correct choice.
Surveyed means looked closely at or examined (someone or something).
Limped means walked with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot.
Exhausted means very tired.
S12. Ans. (e)
Sol. The given set of words in the sentence is already correct and does not require any replacement. Hence (e) is the correct choice.
Insight means the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
Intuition means the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.
Dubious means hesitating or doubting.
Perception means the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
Guile means sly or cunning intelligence.
Overtly means without concealment or secrecy; openly.
S13. Ans. (c)
Sol. “bewitching, wilts, unfailingly, oblivious” is the most appropriate set of words that should replace the existing ones to make the sentence meaningful. Hence (c) is the correct choice.
Bewitching means enchanting and delightful (someone).
Wilt means (of a plant, leaf, or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop.
Unfailingly means in a reliable or unchanging way; always.
Oblivious means not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.
Explicitly means in a clear and detailed manner, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
Abstract means existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
S14. Ans. (a)
Sol. “show, prompt, sizable, disarming” is the most appropriate set of words that should replace the existing ones to make the sentence meaningful. Hence (a) is the correct choice.
Prompt means done without delay; immediate.
Disarming means removing the fuse from (a bomb), making it safe.
Tardy means delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late.
Sizable means fairly large.
Gross means (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable.
Parade means display (someone or something) while marching or moving around a place.
S15. Ans. (e)
Sol. The given set of words in the sentence is already correct and does not require any replacement. Hence (e) is the correct choice.
Unjustified means not shown to be right or reasonable.
Absolved means declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
Improbable means not likely to be true or to happen.
Flimsy means insubstantial and easily damaged.
Revoke means officially cancel (a decree, decision, or promise).
Repudiate means refuse to accept; reject.
Sneaky means furtive; sly.
Overdue means not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected time.


Directions (1-15): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
Q1. (A)  Rana is one of a growing number of professionals who are channeling their passion into food.
(B) This is not a new phenomenon, of course — we have had IT professionals swapping codes for farms, bloggers hosting secret suppers, and a MasterChef-inspired generation of Instagram chefs.
(C) However, food is not an easy industry to be in.
(D) We talk to a few new foodpreneurs who have switched career paths and are addressing the needs of this evolved, more conscious market.
(E) As the food landscape evolves, newer examples are cropping up.
Q2. (A) The era of sharing space for designated slots of time is here.
(B) Then came renting and leasing. But even that is passé.
(C) There were times when properties were bought and companies raised grand edifices to house their offices with paraphernalia.
(D) With nearly two decades of the new millennium behind us today, the new technology is urging compaction of time and space.
(E) The future lies in aggregation of time and space.
Q3. (A) With the modernization of our homes, cooking is no longer done behind four walls
(B) the kitchen needs to be open to attract attention and is often the hub of the home.
(C) and have transformed into aesthetically pleasing spaces.
(D) In any home, the kitchen is considered as one of the most important spaces.
(E) Our kitchens thereby have moved from being only utilitarian
Q4. (A) apart from the potential for upholding human values, is our ability to make choices, to take control of our destiny.
(B) Unless we go with nature, we won’t be able to survive any longer, in Stephen Hawking’s words, “the next thousand years” on this fragile planet”.
(C) It all comes down to karma, what goes around comes around. Humans have committed mass deforestation, nature has rewarded us with climate change, unexpected storms, wildfires and sea levels.
(D) That’s not just why we must be careful in terms of the lifestyle we choose. What differentiates us humans from other species,
(E) Today it all comes down to our lifestyle choices, each of which, corporations have ensured have strong repercussions on nature.
Q5. (A) The boys have queued up, the overseer has inspected their dhoti-kurtas,
(B) I am at the ashram gate, wondering if the priest will let me in.
(C) I walk in hesitantly, but the monk smiles warmly and points to an empty chair.
(D) and they are now waiting patiently for instructions from the priest , who is on the phone.
(E) Everything is ready for the evening prayer at the ashram.
Q6. (A) for the entire length of the concert in anticipation of what these great
(B) The three-day The Hindu November Fest opened with ‘Classical and Beyond’, a coming together of the stars of Hindustani music.
(C) the stunningly gifted KaushikiChakraborty, the extraordinary SatyajitTalwalkar, RakeshChaurasia, PurbayanChatterjee, and SudhanshuGharpure.
(D)  The auditorium was jam packed with an attentive and benevolent audience sitting with undiminished enthusiasm
(E) masters would unfold. The star–studded stage had the inimitable maestro TaufiqQureshi,
Q7. (A) Scriptures have always perceived the holistic value pervading creation and speak of the close ties between human beings and nature,
(B) and of the need to live in harmony with the environment. Drawing from these and taking into account the body-mind complex that constitutes each human being,
(C) the wise have shown that the most precious gifts for an individual are water, food and good advice, pointed out Velukkudi Sri Krishnan in a discourse.
(D) Water and food are for the upkeep of the body and good advice, ‘subhashitani,’ for the welfare of the Atma. Good advice helps one to remain healthy in both mind and body.
(E) Indian schools of thought have given much thought to explain the nature and function of the human mind. It is seen as an instrument endowed with the functions to think, decide and act.
Q8. (A) Legend has it that he was close to despair and hiding in a cave during a storm when he saw an animal in the process of building something.
(B) It tried six times and failed and he realized he too had fought against the English six times and failed.
(C) This inspired him to continue fighting the English and he eventually won in 1314.
(D) On the seventh attempt it succeeded.
(E) On March 25, 1306, Robert the Bruce became the King of Scotland. King Edward of England waged war against him and made him an outlaw.
Q9. (A) If we do a movement, some hundreds of times, we can then repeat it easily with little awareness.
(B) Yoga is a way of bringing positive changes in our life. Positive change requires opposing past habits.
(C) But awareness is the key to sustaining transformation; awareness helps us recognize what we need to change and prevents us from slipping back after we change.
(D) Movement becomes mechanical because our brain learns movement patterns.
(E) But Asanas can also become habits. If we practice asana like riding a bicycle, we lose a large part of its transformative potential.
Q10. (A) It made me want to dig into culture to get a grasp of men’s thinking process.
(B) Even when the laws were made more stringent in India, it did nothing to deter crimes against women.
(C) that allows men to think and do whatever they pleased with a woman — to her body, mind, thoughts or psyche.
(D) I think it shook the collective conscience of the nation. I started looking at the culture
(E) When Nirbhaya happened, it shook something in me.
Q11. (A) where many international students lived.
(B) most memorable of all, discover the hedonistic pleasures of red wine and inhale the indefinable aroma of freshly baked baguettes.
(C) The aftershocks were still rippling out when I reached Paris to study comparative literature, hang around the Latin Quarter and,
(D) With age on our sides, we had the energy and will to walk, after the last Métro had gone, to the CitéUniversitaire
(E) It was a heady place, where impassioned and cheap wine-fuelled conversations lingered on well after the moon was high in the sky.
Q12. (A) the game’s heart even as they enhanced many a fast bowler’s ability to extract reverse-swing. 
(B) That it has been called ‘a gentleman’s game’ suggests that it is held to high standards. Yet, like a few other things wrong with the game, ball-tampering remains one of its murkiest secrets.
(C) the use of nails or abrasive dust from the turf, and in some cases the use of bottle openers have plunged a knife into
(D) Cricket is a sport, but it is also a code of honour. The phrase ‘it’s not cricket’ refers to any act that is not fair.
(E) The seemingly innocuous application of saliva and sweat, and more interventionist acts such as pressing chewed lozenges, throwing the ball hard on the surface,
Q13. (A) dire warnings about Mr. Yameen’s emergency in the past month have led to the Maldives cancelling its participation in the Indian Navy’s “Milan” exercises. Even in Bangladesh,
(B) with Bangladesh’s Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan describing the remarks as untrue, unfounded and not helpful.
(C) the Indian Army chief, General BipinRawat’s tough talking last week about immigration has drawn ire there,
(D) the required changes in the government’s treatment of the opposition, and New Delhi’s
(E) Mr. Modi’s decision to abruptly cancel his visit to Male in 2015 did not yield
Q14. (A) Genetic discrimination (GD) is understood to be differential treatment of those not showing symptoms
(B) Such conditions covered those with disability, who were poor, had mental health problems, were promiscuous, were dwarfs, and so on.
(C) that made sterilization compulsory for those who expressed a range of conditions believed to be inherited.
(D) There were robust policies of eugenics in the U.S. in the 1900s. These led to laws in many States
(E) but who are nevertheless treated differently on the basis of any real or assumed genetic characteristics. We must recognize that GD is nothing new.
Q15. (A) With supporting studies in the form of well-planned lab tests, this work has the potential to improve health care and enhance drug discovery.
(B) Plants secrete various special chemicals to ward off predators, fight pathogens and survive in difficult situations. Some of these so-called phytochemicals
(C) have been used to prepare traditional medicines and also poisons. While there are extensive databases of phytochemicals of Chinese herbs, there has no similar work in India.
(D) The use of Indian medicinal plants for drug discovery and therapeutics just received a boost.
(E) For the repository, the scientists sourced information from several texts including those that documented tribal medicine.

Quiz 27 – Answers

S1. Ans.(c); ABECD
S2. Ans.(b); ECBDA
S3. Ans.(e); DABEC
S4. Ans.(a); CDAEB
S5. Ans.(b); EADBC
S6. Ans.(d); BDAEC
S7. Ans.(e); ABCDE
S8. Ans.(b); EABDC
S9. Ans.(a); BEDAC
S10. Ans.(d); EDCBA
S11. Ans.(c); CBEDA
S12. Ans.(a); DBECA
S13. Ans.(c); EDACB
S14. Ans.(e); AEDCB
S15. Ans.(b); DEABC 


Directions (1-15): In each of the questions given below an incomplete sentence which must be filled/completed with one of the one or more sentences given below .i.e. one or more sentences can be fit into the given blank .If all the parts fit into the given blank your answer should be "All are correct". If no option fits into the given blank your answer should be "None of the above". Choose the correct option and complete the given sentences.
Q1. Vindhya is not all that worried about taking the exam again as she is confident of her capabilities, but asks how .....................thousands of students to take the re-exam.
(a) the officials are going to force
(b) she is going to enroll
(c) fair it is for the officials to ask
(d) officials are going to suspend
(e) All are correct
Q2. Our services help clients to identify key groups .......................... to realise a desired outcome.
(a) to consistently raise queries
(b) to effectively influence their behaviour
(c) to reduce the price of the commodities
(d) to ultimately study the demands of customers
(e) All are correct
Q3. A drama unfolded late on Tuesday after three persons allegedly slashed the arm of a police constable with billhooks ........................... after they stole a mobile phone.
(a) when he tried to prevent them from fleeing
(b) when he tried to shoot them
(c) when thieves tried to shoot police
(d) when people in the street started shouting
(e) All are correct
Q4. The foul smell of garbage being burnt ................ Lalbagh and Cubbon Park, say regular walkers and visitors to the largest green lungs in the city.
(a) discontinue to infect
(b) starts to clean
(c) relocates people
(d) continues to plague
(e) All are correct
Q5. Passengers reaching the three major airports in Kerala will soon ...................... criss-crossing the State.
(a) have the chance to drop their baggage at
(b) have the option to interchange the flights
(c) have the chance to cruise through the canals
(d) None of the above
(e) All are correct
Q6. The boat will be completely solar powered ..................... of oil spill or other forms of pollution
(a) so that there won't be any doubts
(b) so there will not be any need of sailor
(c) so that there will not be any complaints
(d) so that there will be a doubt
(e) All are correct
Q7. The Department of Higher Education ..................... of degree college lecturers and university professors.
(a) has proposed to increase the fees
(b) has proposed to increase the retirement age
(c) has proposed to increase the number of working hours
(d) has proposed to suspend the team
(e) All are correct
Q8. Many crimes committed .................... clan or family may have their origin in India’s abominable caste system, but there are other contributing factors as well.
(a) in the name of defending the honour of a caste,
(b) in the name to sympathize the
(c) in the name of collecting funds for
(d) in the name of distracting
(e) All are correct
Q9. There is a slightly lunatic argument ........................... at some point between the 1950s and today.
(a) says that benevolence has reached the end
(b) says that happiness of people reached its peak point
(c) says that cruelty reached its acme
(d) says that humanity reached the peak of civilisation
(e) All are correct
Q10. India currently meets almost 90% of its annual requirement of solar panels through imports, ............................
(a) accelerating the growth of exports
(b) demolishing the structure of development
(c) increasing the activity of manufacturing at domestic level only
(d) impeding the growth of a nascent domestic solar manufacturing sector
(e) All are correct
Q11. On the Vietnam Airlines flight to Hanoi, .................... at take off — loosened my seat belt fully before I could buckle it.
(a) i did the same i used to do
(b) i did the opposite of what I usually do
(c) i did what was commanded to me
(d) i didn't do what was instructed to me
(e) All are correct
Q12. Shopkeepers ........................., but they didn’t nag me or block my way if I moved on without buying something.
(a) joined me in the game of endless bargaining
(b) opposed me in the game of selling
(c) helped me in reducing my burden
(d) None of the above
(e) All are correct
Q13. First, ........................... has become commonplace, with clean energy becoming its newest victim.
(a) implementing new measures to cut down the options
(b) regulating the new policies to improve the competition
(c) implementing trade remedies that have anti-competition implications
(d) initialising new projects that have positive effect on trade
(e) All are correct
Q14. To improve learning-teaching outcomes, .......................... by capacity-building of faculty and selecting teachers in a transparent manner.
(a) there is a hard criticism towards faculty
(b) there is an effort towards improving pedagogy
(c) there is an effort towards reducing education
(d) there is a high pressure on the teachers
(e) All are correct
Q15. The gender pay gap is an unfortunate feature of many industries, from banking to Hollywood.
(a) is a fortunate feature
(b) is an unfortunate feature
(c) is a highly commendable step
(d) is a highly criticized thing
(e) All are correct

Quiz 28 – Answers

S1. Ans.(c); fair it is for the officials to ask - the tone of the given statement is somewhat considering or worrying about how the officials are going to ask the students to take the re-exam. Thus, option (c) is the most suited answer.
S2. Ans.(b); to effectively influence their behaviour - as the matter is of providing service to the clients. Thus, it can best done by effectively influencing their behaviour.
S3. Ans.(a); when he tried to prevent them from fleeing - the police has caught the thieves which were fleeing after stealing a mobile phone
S4. Ans.(d); continues to plague - as the garbage burnt can only continue to plague.
S5. Ans.(c); have the chance to cruise through the canals - it is a generalised statement that the Kerala airports are now going to provide the service of cruising through the canals criss-crossing the State.
S6. Ans.(c); so that there will not be any complaints - the tone of the given sentence is preventive. Thus, the boat has made completely solar powered in order to avoid the complaints of oil spill.
S7. Ans.(b); has proposed to increase the retirement age - is the best suited answer.
S8. Ans.(a); in the name of defending the honour of a caste - the tone of the passage is negative as the sentence is about defending the honour of a caste, clan or family which reveals the bad consequences of having a caste system
S9. Ans.(d); says that humanity reached the peak of civilisation - is the only option that suits here
S10. Ans.(d); impeding the growth of a nascent domestic solar manufacturing sector- the tone of the statement is positive and experimental which reduces the amount of manufacturing at domestic level and it can only be done through increasing the imports of the commodities mentioned.
S11. Ans.(b); I did the opposite of what I usually do - is the only option that fits here.
S12. Ans.(a); joined me in the game of endless bargaining - In the given statement, the seller is arguing the purchaser by the means of endless bargaining
S13. Ans.(c); implementing trade remedies that have anti-competition implications - is the appropriate answer here
S14. Ans.(b); there is an effort towards improving pedagogy - in the followed part of the given sentence, they have given measures to improve the area of pedagogy. Thus, the efforts have shown to do it
S15. Ans.(b); is an unfortunate feature - of course, the gender pay gap is an unfortunate feature.


Directions (1-15): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given with one blank. Below each sentence FOUR words are given out of which two can fit the BOLD word given in the sentence. Five options are given with various combinations of these words. You have to choose the combination with the correct set of words which can fit in the given sentence.
Q1. His father calls him to ask when he will reach home because his ............ bride and her family are waiting for him.
(A) expected
(B) unexpected
(C) lucrative
(D) prospective
(a) A-D
(b) A-B
(c) A-C
(d) B-C
(e) B-D
Q2. Thousands of students are naturally frustrated that their best shot at these papers has come to ............; they must now make another strenuous effort in a re-examination.
(A) positive
(B) negative
(C) nought
(D) nothing
(a) A-B
(b) B-C
(c) C-D
(d) A-D
(e) B-D
Q3. The combination of using personal data without consent and tailoring ........... campaigns, fake news and propaganda to discovered preferences of voters is a potent and corrosive cocktail.
(A) malicious
(B) slander
(C) false
(D) bogus
(a) A-B
(b) C-D
(c) Both A-B & C-D
(d) A-C
(e) A-D
Q4. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, raising the question whether laws need to be ........... mandating an opt-out approach universally rather than an opt-in approach.
(A) reinitiated
(B) redescribed
(C) reframed
(D) reiterated
(a) A-B
(b) A-C
(c) A-D
(d) B-D
(e) B-C
Q5. The ............. of the Indian market by foreign investors comes at a time when the Centre is looking at tapping the bond market aggressively to finance its election-year spending.
(A) abandoning
(B) deserting
(C) forgoning
(D) forgiving
(a) A-D
(b) A-B
(c) B-C
(d) C-D
(e) A-C
Q6. A ........... approach would be possible if one recognises India’s strength as a multicultural nation with parts having little in common but being proud to be its parts.
(A) rational
(B) sensible
(C) level-headed
(D) deliberative
(a) A-C
(b) B-D
(c) B-C
(d) A-D
(e) Both A-C & B-D
Q7. We run the risk of magnifying these ............ issues of identity and autonomy into matters that put a wedge between people and regions.
(A) tiresome
(B) uneasy
(C) mundane
(D) hackneyed
(a) C-D
(b) A-D
(c) B-C
(d) A-B
(e) A-C
Q8. This is not just a passing opinion on a ............. matter but a rock-hard position concerning India and the human condition of nobody-ness, of homelessness, of statelessness that seeks refuge.
(A) transient
(B) transmitting
(C) traversing
(D) transitory
(a) B-C
(b) A-D
(c) C-D
(d) A-C
(e) A-B
Q9. The idea was to see how an artist with a signature art practice responds to the surroundings and .............. it into the oeuvre.
(A) contents
(B) assimilates
(C) absorbs
(D) soaks
(a) A-C
(b) A-D
(c) B-D
(d) B-C
(e) C-D
Q10. It is difficult to .............. migrant construction labourers in the Gulf nations and Jain highlights it through the use of stones, labour card.
(A) condone
(B) ignore
(C) overlook
(D) neglect
(a) A-B
(b) A-C
(c) A-D
(d) B-C
(e) All are correct
Q11. The artist draws her love for numbers from her mother, an entrepreneur who is .............. good at Maths and love for paper and books from her father.
(A) extremely
(B) farthest
(C) ultimately
(D) entirely
(a) A-C
(b) A-B
(c) B-C
(d) C-D
(e) A-D
Q12. It is a remarkable transformation for the ........... art of a little-known community.
(A) pious
(B) sacred
(C) impudent
(D) sacrilege
(a) A-C
(b) A-D
(c) A-B
(d) B-C
(e) C-D
Q13. It is also significant to mention that it was a personal crisis which helped her to .............. art.
(A) capture
(B) seize
(C) embrace
(D) clasp
(a) A-B
(b) A-C
(c) C-D
(d) B-C
(e) A-D
Q14. She is also glad she is able to display her works in March ............. with the International women’s month.
(A) concurring
(B) coinciding
(C) commending
(D) congruencing
(a) A-B
(b) A-C
(c) B-C
(d) A-D
(e) Both A-B & A-D
Q15. It ............. women with their noses pierced and vermillion on their foreheads.
(A) distinguishes
(B) morphs
(C) paints
(D) portrays
(a) A-B
(b) B-C
(c) A-C
(d) C-D
(e) Both A-B & C-D

Quiz 29 – Answers

S1. Ans.(a); A-D- His father calls him to ask when he will reach home because his prospective/expected bride and her family are waiting for him.
S2. Ans.(c); C-D- Thousands of students are naturally frustrated that their best shot at these papers has come to nought/noting; they must now make another strenuous effort in a re-examination.
S3. Ans.(c); Both A-B & C-D- The combination of using personal data without consent and tailoring slander/malicious/false/bogus campaigns, fake news and propaganda to discovered preferences of voters is a potent and corrosive cocktail.
S4. Ans.(e); B-C- Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, raising the question whether laws need to be reframed/redescribed mandating an opt-out approach universally rather than an opt-in approach.
S5. Ans.(b); A-B- The deserting/abandoning of the Indian market by foreign investors comes at a time when the Centre is looking at tapping the bond market aggressively to finance its election-year spending.
S6. Ans.(e); Both A-C & B-D- A level-headed/rational/sensible/deliberative approach would be possible if one recognises India’s strength as a multicultural nation with parts having little in common but being proud to be its parts.
S7. Ans.(a); C-D- We run the risk of magnifying these mundane/hackneyed issues of identity and autonomy into matters that put a wedge between people and regions.
S8. Ans.(b); A-D- This is not just a passing opinion on a transient/transitory matter but a rock-hard position concerning India and the human condition of nobody-ness, of homelessness, of statelessness that seeks refuge.
S9. Ans.(d); B-C- The idea was to see how an artist with a signature art practice responds to the surroundings and assimilates/absorbs it into the oeuvre.
S10. Ans.(e);  All are correct- It is difficult to overlook/condone/ignore/neglect migrant construction labourers in the Gulf nations and Jain highlights it through the use of stones, labour card.
S11. Ans.(a);  A-C- The artist draws her love for numbers from her mother, an entrepreneur who is extremely/ultimately good at maths and love for paper and books from her father.
S12. Ans.(c);  A-B- It is a remarkable transformation for the sacred/pious art of a little-known community.
S13. Ans.(c);  C-D- It is also significant to mention that it was a personal crisis which helped her to embrace/clasp art.
S14. Ans.(a);  A-B- She is also glad she is able to display her works in March coinciding/concurring with the International women’s month.
S15. Ans.(d);  C-D- It portrays/paints women with their noses pierced and vermillion on their foreheads.

thanks to bankers adda.   best wishes

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