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Write to a letter to the Bank for blocking a lost credit card

ABC                                                                        6, Hanuman Road
                                                                                  Kankarbagh, Patna-110006

                                                                                                        27th May,2018
    The Branch Manager,   
    State Bank of India
    Patna -110009

Dear Sir,
      Sub:  Request for blocking credit card No…………………..
        This is to inform that my credit card bearing no 8130XXXXXXXX was stolen today morning. It was registered against my savings account No.2018XXXXXX.
          I have lodged a complaint regarding the theft in Patliputra police station. A copy of the complaint is enclosed with this letter. I request you to block the credit card immediately.. Also, provide new credit card against the savings account at the earliest.

Yours Sincerely,
Mob No: 9845632186
AC no. : 2018XXXXXX.

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