Meditation, Creativity and Intuition

Creativity and Intuition
Intuition is often
referred to as the sixth sense. When all thoughts are in harmony with nature,
such a mind is intuitive. This alignment needs to be nurtured through
There are close to 7
billion people on this planet and an equal or greater number of thoughts and
ideas born every moment. One can only wonder how the idea chooses the person!
The world has close to
2 billion Internet users but the first computer was born as an idea in the mind
of one person. A nuclear bomb has the capacity to affect so many thousands of
lives and was created in the mind of one person. When a sub-atomic particle can
be the source of so much energy, the mind is much more finer, much more subtle
and certainly much more powerful. The skill is in knowing how to tap this
infinite source of energy and creativity.
For creativity, time
is not a factor. The intention to be creative is important. At the same time,
we cannot plan to be creative. Sometimes we look at a leaf, a tree, running
water, the vastness of the sky and something happens! The solution is there in
front of us.
Being with nature has
a calming effect on the mind. It brings the mind to the present moment, which
is the field of all possibilities. It brings the mind to a space of wonderment
and silence where creative ideas take shape. Spiritual practices like
meditation have this same effect on the mind. They take us to our inner realm,
which is the basis of creativity. When our mind is calm and relaxed, creativity
wells up from within.
We all know that our
brain has two hemispheres; the right and the left. Science says that the
left-brain is associated with analysis, logic, whereas the right brain activity
is connected to music, emotions, and creativity. In our normal day-to-day life,
we tend to use our left-brain more often as we try to understand, question,
judge the people and situations around us. This creates an imbalance in the way
we perceive reality.
Similarly, if we spend
the entire day listening to music or singing songs, even that can make us dull
and tired. Creativity cannot arise in a mind that is out of balance or tired.
This is where meditation helps. Meditation restores the balance. It brings
centeredness. It calms the agitated mind and refreshes and re-energizes the
tired mind. It creates the perfect field for ideas to flow.
However, not all ideas
that are born fructify. Even if they fructify, they are not all useful. How do
we know which ideas to invest our effort and energies into? This is where
intuition in combination with creativity is necessary. An intuitive
intelligence can innovate for the benefit of human kind.
Intuition is often
referred to as the sixth sense. When all thoughts are in harmony with nature,
such a mind is intuitive. This alignment needs to be nurtured through
meditation. Even a ‘creative’ person will find that the quality of his or
her ideas change and improve as they meditate.
Often, a person in
love experiences a surge of creativity. They write poems, think-up special
gifts, make paintings and so on. And, when the attachment towards the subject
of love subsides, the creativity also takes a downward trend. The secret is to
make our attachment bigger. Refining and expanding our love to include the entire
cosmos, sustains and nourishes our creative abilities. Furthermore, the ideas
that are born are beneficial for humanity.
Spirituality is living
the values of caring and sharing. It is about connecting to the supreme
intelligence that is the source of all wisdom and creativity. When this
connection to the inner-net is firmly established, we become agents of peace
with the ability to creatively find win-win solutions to the challenges that
confront every individual and society.
(The author is a
meditation teacher who has taught in over 100 countries and Director, Women
Empowerment and Child Welfare Projects, The Art of Living)
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