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There are many occasions in our life when we are required to make immediate announcements.  An announcement implies immediacy and promptness.  Since life is a bag of mixed fortunes, full of blessings and curses, an occasion may be a happy or a sad one.  A wedding, birth of a child, engagement, retirement etc are some of the occasions when we are required to make immediate announcements.  First of all announce the event and then give its details like day, date, place etc.  then address specific things that a recipient would like to know. 

Give your feelings about the specific event.  Do you feel proud elated, happy or excited? 
Then, conclude your letter with a warm, intimate and informal tone. 

Occasions of announcements 
·           Birth of a child 
·           Engagement 
·           Marriage or wedding 
·           Purchase of a new house/property  
·           Name change  
·           Divorce 
·           Death in the family 
·           Retirement 
·           Adoption of a child 
·           Move to a new house 


Announce the event 
1.         We are extremely glad to announce that we have become grandparents for the first time. 
2.         Now we have a new member in our family. 
3.         My daughter-in-law and son have been blessed with a baby daughter. 
4.         We are pleased to announce our second child, a son. 
5.         We feel very happy to announce the birth of our first child. 
6.         Thanks a lot to the almighty that he has blessed our family with a new-born. 
7.         Rajani is extremely happy and so I am to inform you that we have got a son. 
8.         I feel my cup of happiness is now full as we have a baby son. 
9.         Really, it is a big, big event to have a first child, a baby daughter. 
10.     We, Rama and Raman, are proud to announce the birth of our child, Alok. 

Announce the place, date and time 
11.     The new baby was born on Monday, March 6, at 9p.m. 
12.     The baby son arrived on Wednesday, January 12, at 1 a.m. 
13.     The baby daughter was born on Thursday, October 23, at 6 a.m. 
14.     The child was born in a nursing home on Saturday, April 25, at 6a.m. 
15.     Our second child, a daughter, was born at 10.40 in the morning at St. Mary Hospital, New Delhi. 
16.     My baby son was delivered at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3. 
17.     The child took birth at sunrise, 6 a.m. on Friday, August 12. 

Say how the new-born and the mother are doing 
18.     Both mother and child are doing well. 
19.     The baby and its mother are perfectly well. 
20.     The new-born child is well and so is the mother. 
21.     The mother has some problem but the doctor has assured us that it is not serious at all and she would be all right within a day or two.  The child is perfectly okay. 
22.     They would be released from the nursing home tomorrow evening. 
23.     The baby boy is very healthy and weighs 3 kg. 

Say how do you feel 
24.     We as grandparents feel on the seventh heaven of joy and bliss. 
25.     We are so happy that we feel that our cup of happiness is now full and overflowing. 
26.     This is for the first time that I have come to realize the bliss of having a child. 
27.     I had heard that mothers are next to gods but now only realize its truth. 
28.     You know very well, we have waited so long for this blissful event in our life, that we could not wait to share the news with you. 
29.     The girl child is healthy and raring to get on with living. 

Conclude the letter saying 
30.     We look forward to hearing from you soon. 
31.     I hope you will come immediately to bless the child and the mother. 
32.     I know you are impatient to come and kiss the baby. 
33.     We hope you are in the town and would soon visit us. 
34.     We are really very blessed and feel you share it with us. 
35.     I can very well imagine your impatience about knowing this happy news. 


Dear Rohit and Nalini 

How I wish you were here in the nursing home by my side to share our extreme happiness on the birth of our first baby son, Abhishek! He was born at 2.30 p.m., Monday, January 7, 2006 at Sarvodya Nursing Home and Hospital, Mumbai.  He is very healthy and active. 

You know how long we have waited for this event to happen.  And now it has happened with all the blessings and joys.  We are so thankful to almighty and well wishes of all of you friends.  I shall be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning.  There is a queue of visitors, friends and well-wishers and all feel so excited.  I hope you would return soon from Shimla and then rush to see, kiss and bless the child. 

Mohit sends his fond remembrances to both of you and is impatient to see you back home to share all his joys with you. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon.  I have actually dictated this letter to my younger sister Juhi and you know her so well. 



Begin by actual announcement 
1.         The event for which you have been waiting so eagerly has after all happened.  I am now engaged to Ms Vinita Deshpande. 
2.         I am thrilled to inform you about my engagement. 
3.         I am so happy to announce the engagement of my daughter Sarita. 
4.         How I wish you were here on this happy occasion of my engagement and were not there at Chennai. 
5.         You will be very excited to know about your dear and intimate friend Julia’s engagement. 
6.         I am really excited to give you the news for which you have been waiting all these years.  I am finally engaged and ready to be in the bonds of love and marriage. 

Give further details 
7.         This happy ceremony took place yesterday in the presence of some very selected friends and relatives. 
8.         It took place in a very simple but auspicious manner on 3rd of this month. 
9.         The date for wedding has yet not been fixed but father insists that it should take place before the year is out. 
10.     You know Jasmine and I were classmates at the university and now we would be together very soon. 
11.     The engagement ceremony was performed with some religious rites followed by a feast. 
12.     I missed you so much during the ceremony and look forward to your immediate return. 
13.     The ceremony was a simple affair but I want to give a grand party soon to some intimate friends like you. 
14.     Come immediately as I am eager to show you the video recording of the ceremony. 
15.     We have planned to give a party to celebrate the occasion. 
16.     You know Kavita very well. She was your class fellow in the college. 

Conclude like this: 
17.     I look forward to seeing you soon. 
18.     I look forward to your letter of reply. 
19.     I hope you would call immediately. 
20.     I am sure you would be there in the party. 
21.     Let me know when it would be convenient to you so that I fix the date accordingly. 
22.     Come rushing; I am impatient to shake you by the hand.  I cannot plan my marriage without your help and guidance. 


Dear Friend 

Let me break the happy news you have been waiting for all these years.  I am engaged and very soon would be in bonds of marriage.  The ceremony took place in the presence of some of our close relatives and friends.  I missed you so much. 

The young man to whom I am engaged to is Mr. Aditya Narain, an executive in a multinational company.  Really you would become envious on seeing him and may decide at once to get yourself engaged.  Our marriage may take place next month, as my grandfather wants that it should be performed at the earliest.  There is so much to tell and write and so come rushing and embrace me. 
I look forward to see you soon. 

With love 


Begin with giving the name of the person 
1.         My son Gulshan Kumar is to be married on March 24, 2015. 
2.         We proudly announce the marriage of our daughter Nilima with Vinayak Sharma. 
3.         I am extremely happy to inform you about my grandson Gaurav’s marriage which is to take place on Wednesday, January 6, 2015. 
4.         We are extremely happy to give this piece of information.  Our elder sister Ratna is going to be married on June 23, 2015. Friday 
5.         It is with great pleasure that I inform you that our son Mithilesh’s marriage is to take place on Sunday, March 26 2015. 
6.         We are so much happy and proud to announce the forthcoming marriage of our daughter, Vipasha Srivastava, on Thursday, June 2, 2015. 

Mention further details 
7.         They will be married in the evening at our residence at 27, West Moti Nagar, New Delhi.  The ceremony will begin at around 9 p.m. with the reception of the marriage party. 
8.         The marriage ceremony will take place at the Shubham Banquet Hall, Road No 21, Punjab Bagh Club, Punjabi Bagh West, Delhi. 
9.         The marriage party will assemble at the central park and then proceed in a procession to the bride’s house at 91/34 Shakati Nagar, Delhi. 
10.     The marriage would be solemnized on February 12, 2015 at 10 p.m. at Mandir Shrinathji, Pusa Road, New Delhi. 
11.     The marriage is to take place at Hotel Atithi, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi on October 18, 2015. 

Extend invitation 
12.     We are very keen to have you amongst us on the auspicious occasion. 
13.     We would love to have you with us in the celebration and solemnization.  
14.     I feel so happy to invite you to attend the marriage celebrations. 
15.     You have to be present with all your family members on the occasion to bless the groom and the bride. 
16.     I hope you will come a bit early and help me in seeing the arrangements. 
17.     I am very keen to have you by my side during the wedding.  After all you are my most intimate friend. 
18.     We expect you one day before the actual marriage ceremony. 
19.     It is my pleasure and privilege to invite you to the marriage and the reception. 
20.     Nobody here is ready to accept “no” from you and your wife. 

Close with repeating the invitation 
21.     Please see that you reach before time. 
22.     I shall be waiting impatiently for your arrival. 
23.     If you feel it inconvenient to reach the place, I can arrange for a car, but please let me know at the earliest. 
24.     The detailed programme and location map is enclosed. 
25.     I am sending the detailed programme separately. 
26.     Please let us know when you are coming. 


Dear Malaya 

I am extremely happy to announce the marriage of my son, Dr Vinay, with Miss (Dr) Shneha, daughter of Shri Amrit Lal of M/s Amrit Lal & Sons, New Delhi.  They will be married at Hotel Vikram, Defence Colony, New Delhi on Sunday, the 10th of October, 2015 at 9 p.m. 

I was looking forward to this auspicious day since my son Vinay was born 23 years ago.  I can hardly control my excitement and want to share it with you.  Please do reach before time and join the marriage procession.  Without your participation it would remain incomplete.   

I am sending the detailed programme and the invitation card separately. 

Very cordially yours. 

(Death of a Family Member) 


It is with profound sorrow that I have to announce my grandfather’s death.  He passed away last night in his sleep.  He was very alert and normal till he retired for night’s rest.  The funeral will take place tomorrow in the afternoon at Nigam Bodh Ghat on the banks of river Yamuna. 

You may come to our residence to join the funeral procession or reach directly Nigam Bodh Ghat. 


(Move to a New Location) 

Dear Dhananjaya 

We have now moved to a new location at 32, East of Kailash, New Delhi.  I announce it with great pleasure that now we have our own house.  You know that so far we had been in a government bungalow in Kaka Nagar. 

The new house is quite spacious with a small garden and a lawn.  We shifted two days ago only.  I hope you will very soon pay us a visit.  My parents are also keen to see you here in this house. 

With love  

P.S. Please bring aunt also with you.  We look forward to your early visit. 

(Change of Name) 

Dear Gopi 

I am sure you will not recognize the name at the end of this letter, but don’t worry.  It is me, Sushma Gandharva-only now I am Gautami Gandharva.  That’s right.  Recently I have legally changed my name.  This information was also published in some of the daily newspapers. 

There was a necessity to change the name, which I would explain to you when you see me personally.  The name may be different, but it is still the same old friend of yours.  Would you say old wine in a new bottle! 


It is said that to err is human.  It only means that we as human beings often commit mistakes and errors, but sooner we realize them the better.  This realization would soon lead us to acknowledging them and then making them right by means of apologizing.  A letter of apology should be prompt and sincere and friendly in tone.  The recipient should immediately feel that you had no intention to offend him/her but the mistake was committed unknowingly.   It would certainly minimize the pain, suffering, trouble or insult you have caused to the reader of your apology. 

When the apology is prompt and sincere you are likely to be forgiven and the pain of it forgotten.  Remember that statements which sound like excuses are not going to serve any purpose at all.  Therefore, stand up straight and admit your mistake humbly. 


Begin by showing that you are really sorry 
1.         I am really sorry that I made the remark unknowingly. 
2.         I apologize for this mistake and ugly remark. 
3.         Really I owe you an apology. 
4.         I know how embarrassed you were the other day with my impulsive remark. 
5.         Would you please forgive me for that silly remark? 
6.         Perhaps I was out of my mind to have said such a silly thing. 
7.         I’d very much apologize for that statement of mine. 
8.         I am so sorry……. 
9.         I cannot express how ashamed and sorry I am. 
10.     I certainly owe you an apology for….. 
11.     I hope you will certainly accept my sincere apologies. 

Again highlight your sense of regret 
12.     There is hardly any justification of my behaving in that manner. 
13.     Please forgive me.  It was really a thoughtless remark on my part. 
14.     I know how embarrassed you were? 
15.     I really regret my folly and would never repeat it. 
16.      My comments were totally out of place and context. 
17.     How I wish I could undo that mistake! 
18.     I fail to understand why I said such a nasty thing. 

Conclude with an expectation of forgiveness 
19.     I sincerely hope you would forgive and forget the incident. 
20.     I promise to be very cautious in future. 
21.     Let me promise you never to repeat such a mistake. 
22.     I am genuinely sorry and deserve your forgiveness. 
23.     I assure that I would be more careful in future. 
24.     My repentance is sincere. 
25.     I now deserve your forgiveness  
26.     You are very senior to me and so there is no shame in begging your forgiveness. 


Dear Mr Vijay Bhushan 

Please forgive me for that foolish remark I made last night in the party in the presence of all your friends.  Really, I owe you an apology.  I feel ashamed that I was at the root of making you so embarrassed.  I should have exercised due discretion and sensitiveness before passing that foolish comment. 

Please forgive me as I am sincerely sorry and promise never to repeat such a mistake.  I should have thought twice before that remark came out of my mouth.  It is no excuse but a sincere request to be forgiven. 



Begin by mentioning the cause 
1.         I am sorry that my pet did cause you so much trouble. 
2.         Really I should not have let the party go till late at night.  
3.         To my much regret my son broke the windshield of your car. 
4.         My pet dog Dot caused you so much trouble. 
5.         My dog kept barking all the night 
6.         My guest parked his cycle in the common passage. 

Then express sincere apology 
7.         I am so sorry that I disturbed your night with my thoughtless action. 
8.         Would you forgive me for all that nuisance that my pet dog caused you? 
9.         My guest unwittingly parked his cycle in the common passage and thereby caused so much inconvenience. 
10.     I don’t know how recklessly my son was while playing cricket and smashed your windowpane.  I offer my unqualified apologies. 
11.     I regret very much the noisy late night party and beg your forgiveness. 
12.     Please accept my sincere and heartfelt apology. 

Suggest making amends 
13.     I am very eager to make amends. 
14.     I want to pay the compensation for the loss suffered. 
15.     I would get the windowpane repaired at my expenses. 
16.     I have sent for the man from the motor shop to come and assess the cost of replacement of the windshield of your car. 
17.     My gardener would very soon arrive with new flowerpots and plants and do all the needful. 
18.     Please let me know what should I do to make amends. 

Conclude showing your genuine regret 
19.     I am genuinely sorry and want to be forgiven. 
20.     In future such a thing would never happen. 
21.     I promise to be more careful in future. 
22.     I understand the trouble you have undergone and want to be forgiven. 
23.     Kindly forget it and forgive me. 


Dear Sir, 

I am so sorry that my pet dog Dingo caused you so much trouble yesterday in the afternoon.  I don’t know how he got loose and ran away into your garden.  I understand he has broken a few flowerpots and ruined some plants in bloom.  I know how much you love these and take so tender care of them. 

My servant should have taken proper precaution to keep the dog in leash.  However, I am very willing to make amends.  My gardener would replace the ruined plants and the flowerpots.  He would also bring some rose saplings from our garden. 

My dog is well behaved but yesterday he did all that to my great surprise.  There is something wrong with the pet.  I will show him to the veterinary doctor. 

In future I would not allow my dog to repeat such a nuisance. 



Begin with apology itself 
1.       Really I forgot about the appointment and now feel so ashamed. 
2.       I wonder how I got so careless as to forgot this important appointment. 
3.       How could I have been so forgetful not to remember the appointment. 
4.       I am so sorry for not keeping the appointment. 
5.       I owe an apology for my carelessness. 
6.       I regret my forgetfulness that prevented from meeting you. 

Say something in your defence 
7.       I wish I could say something in my defence, but there is hardly any. 
8.       I myself am at a complete loss and don’t know how it happened. 
9.       Really there is no excuse to justify my negligence in the matter and so I feel ashamed. 
10.     Perhaps a recent death of a relative has made me so disturbed that I have become forgetful. 
11.     I must see some doctor as to why such utter forgetfulness.  It is really disturbing and never happened earlier. 
12.     An unexpected but important guest arrived in the afternoon and I got so busy with him that I could not remember the appointment. 
13.     There was a sudden call from my sister in America and I got busy in fixing a problem and forgot totally about our meeting in the evening. 

Express hope of meeting again 
14.     I hope we can meet again soon. 
15.     Can we meet tomorrow at the same place and same time? 
16.     Please excuse me for this forgetfulness and give me another chance to meet you any day and any time convenient to you. 
17.     I am free from tomorrow and can see you any day you like. 
18.     Please let me know immediately when are we meeting next. 
19.     You have always been so forgiving and nice and so hope you would forgive me this time also. 


My Dear Anurag 

I owe you an apology for not keeping the appointment with you yesterday evening at Gateway of India.   You must have waited there for long for me.  I really feel ashamed for this utter forgetfulness.  How it happened, I myself don’t know anything.  I don’t find any excuse either.  This unhappy fact and its realization have kept me disturbed.  Kindly excuse me and give me another appointment.  Could we meet next week, the same day, same place and same time?   I am  sure this time I would not forget. 
I anxiously look forward to your immediate reply. 

With best wishes and thoughts. 


Apology for not inviting a friend 
Dear Sudhanshu  

You are well aware that yesterday was my birthday party.  And most probably you might be wondering why you were not invited.  Undoubtedly you are one of my best friends.  Not only that we are class fellows.  Really I missed you so much but then it was too late to make amends. 

I wonder how and why I forget you.  Why didn’t I detect this omission in time?  Really I don’t find any rational reply.  However, I feel ashamed and beg your forgiveness.  I feel it’s a case of missing the obvious and not seeing what’s before your eyes.   Please forgive me and say when are we meeting.  I shall remain ill at ease till I receive your reply of forgiveness. 


Apology for not having replied 

Dear Abhilasha  

I am really sorry for not replying your letter sooner than now.  I was very happy to receive your letter and to note its newsy contents and wanted to reply it immediately but then totally forgot about it in the rush of work.  You know it is the closing of the financial year and there is all hectic in the office.   However, I regret this delay. 

Again, I am writing these lines in a bit of hurry but would write to you in detail when I am more free.  I hope I would be free from the next week.  Tell me when can we meet in near future?  I am really very keen to see you.  Please excuse me for this delay in replying.   

With regards and love. 



There are many occasions in our life when we are supposed to say “Thank you” to our friends, relatives, neighbors, well-wishers, family members and even strangers.  It is part and parcel of our social and private life and etiquettes.  It is so pleasant to say “thank you” to someone who has done a service or favour to you.  It hardly matters even if you have already expressed thanks personally; a letter of thanks still must be sent.  The writing of appreciation has its own joys and pleasures which you should not deny to the recipient of letter.  Sincerity and warmth are the hallmarks of a good letter of thanks. 

We should respond spontaneously for any service, favour or obligation and express our thanks.  Many a time we have to express in writing our heartfelt sense of gratitude and it is in the form of letters of thanks. 

Such letters should be brief, warm, personal and informal and written in a way you talk to a friend.  You should write a note of thanks always in a positive state of mind and there should be nothing negative.  Such letters should be written and sent promptly, because delay spoils their charm.  A “thank you” delayed is virtually a “thank you” ignored and denied. 


(Wedding gift) 

Dear Nirmala 

I am so excited with your gift of diamond earnings.  They increase my loveliness manifold, says mom.  They perfectly match a couple of my yellow silk saris and blouses. 

Thank you for sparing time from your so tight business schedule and coming to the wedding.  It is because of the presence of so intimate friends like you that the marriage celebration became all the more special.  Your gift was really very perfect and something such as makes me proud to have. 
Thank you once again.  Hope to see you soon. 



(Birthday gift) 

Dear Uncle 

Thanks a lot for your birthday gift of a digital camera.  It is really a wonderful gift for me.  You know photography is my hobby, but of late I was finding it a bit too expensive.  This digital camera would help me to manage the expenses to suit my pocket as it does away with films.  Now I would be able to see the results of my shooting instantly.  I find it a marvel of modern technology in photography.  Thank you once again for the gift.  I shall always feel obliged for it. 



(Christmas gift) 

My Dear James Uncle 

On my birthday in November you gave me a nice gift of an expensive pen.  Now you have done it again on Christmas.  How did you know I needed a dictionary?  It is the latest and enlarged and revised.  There is no other dictionary to match it.  It will help me a lot in my studies. 

It is really a treat for me and so I thank you once again.  Hope you would pay us a visit on New Year.  Mom and papa send their remembrances. 


1.     Now I am in a position to repay the entire loan to you with all my thankfulness and gratitude. 
  1. You did play the role of the saviour indeed and gave me the much-needed loan. 

3.     State your plan of repayment --Please find enclosed a cheque towards payment of the first installment and the balance I shall pay in one go next month. 
  1. Now I am in such a financial position that I can repay your loan instantly. 
  2. I think I should be able to return all your money by the next month. 
  3. I am quite sure and certain returning the loan within 12 month. 
  4. I know you are kind enough not to insist on repayment of the loan, but I want to clear it as soon as possible. 
  5. This year the crops are good as the rain-gods have been kind enough imitating you.  And so I feel I would be able to return all your money before coming Diwali. 
  6. I am likely to get my provident fund and other dues in near future, and then I propose to be debt-free. 
  7. I am determined to return your money as soon as possible but not later than the year end by all means. 
  8. Now, by God’s grace and your kindness, my only son has got job as a school teacher and his first salary is due by the first of next month.  And so I would be in a position to give you the first installment out of the twelve then. 

12.  Repeat your gratitude and thankfulness --Kindly accept my thanks once again. 
  1. I close this letter with the deep sense of my gratitude to you. 
  2. A lot of thanks are really due to you for your charitable attitude and generous help. 
  3. I am the rest of the family members are so much indebted to you. 
  4. Thanks once again for coming to my rescue in my ruin and ill lick. 
  5. I shall repay your entire loan soon but shall I be ever able to repay your kindness and large heartedness?  I’m doubtful. 


Dear Keshav 

I am so thankful to you for your generous and timely help.  “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is a well-known saying, but now I realized its truth and significance.  You are really a wonderful friend.  I feel so fortunate to have you as my friend. 

Then I was desperately in need of monetary help as I had suffered a heavy loss, but you came like an angel and extended such a huge loan.  Now I am having a prosperous business and am in a position to return what I owe to you with interest.  But I know you would never accept the interest on it.  Please find the cheque enclosed for Rs one lakh.  The cheque for the rest of the money would follow soon. 

I feel overwhelmed by your kindness and help and thank you once again. 



Dear Alka 

I want to thank you for your good wishes and so beautiful roses sent to me during my hospitalization.  I was very happy and pleased to know that they were from you. 

Now I have been discharged from the hospital and can sit up and write letters.  Perhaps you may not be able to imagine how much your good wishes and roses meant for me during my illness and hospitalization.  My love and very deep appreciation for you for your kindness. 

Very sincerely 


Begin your letter with such expressions as these: 
1.         Your letter of condolence came soon after mother’s death. 
2.         Your letter of condolence comforted me a lot in my dark moments.  Thank you for it. 
3.         Thank you for your letter of condolence on the death of my father.  It worked like balm on a deep wound.  Thank you for it. 
4.         Thank you for your kind expression of sympathy on my illness. 
5.         Your letter of condolence and sympathy on my brother’s tragic death in an accident had its desired effect on all of us and we were able to face things with some courage. 
6.         I felt blessed to have your note of comfort and sympathy. 
7.         Thank you for your card and concern in my illness. 
8.         Your letter received yesterday helped me to take courage in so dark and depressing hours. 
9.         Thank you for your letter of comfort and condolence during my crisis following my father’s demise. 
10.     Thanks for your letter.  It has provided me much relief in these tragic hours. 
11.     Your words of sympathy have given me strength and encouragement to live and fight with disease. 
12.     Your letter of sympathy has proved a great source of solace and consolation. 
13.     After going through your letter of condolence, I feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 
14.     Thanks for your letter full of kind and inspiring words which have assured me that after all, life is not a blind alley. 
15.     Your soothing and comforting words have proved like a ray of hope and light in these hours of mourning and despair. 
16.     Thank you dear for your letter of sympathy and good cheers during my operation and hospitalization. 
17.     In these moments of deep gloom and despair borne out of such losses, your words of comfort and solace have done wonder and now I can face this entire crisis like a MAN. 

Dear Sarla 

Thank you from the depth of my heart for your letter of condolence received immediately after my mother’s tragic demise. 

I felt great comfort in those dark moments.  It is because of people like you that such a tragedy becomes bearable to some extent.  It gives me a lot of solace to think of you and your love for me. 
I feel blessed to have you as a friend.  I wish that you could visit me sometime in near future.  Thank you once again. 

With best wishes, 


Begin like this 
1.         What a pleasant surprise to have my lost purse, and that too at my own doorsteps!  Thanks for all this trouble and kindness. 
2.         I cannot still believe that my lost wallet is back in my hands.  Thanks a lot for your great act of kindness. 
3.         I’m still rather astounded to have my lost documents back.  Thank God and thank you so much, the very angel of honesty. 
4.         It was beyond my wildest dreams that I would have got back my passport, air-ticket and so much cash that I had lost in the market.   I don’t know how to thank for your kindness. 
5.         My heart goes out to thank you again and again for restoring my valuables to me. 
6.         Thank you so much for your kindness and honesty for informing me about my lost luggage.  I had lost all hope of getting them back. 
7.         What an incredible piece of honesty and integrity!  How wonderful of you!  Thank you for your kindness. 

Describe the things that were lost and now found intact 
8.         My purse contained much cash and some diamond ornaments.  I had lost them because of sheer carelessness but they are back in my hands, all intact, what a piece of good luck! 
9.         You took all the trouble to come to my residence to return the portfolio containing some very important documents and a couple of bank drafts, all still inside. 
10.     You are really a very special person, a great humanitarian to restore me my lost wallet with credit cards, cash and a lot more. 
11.     What an incredible thing for you to perform! You took so much pain to send me back my lost articles. 

Say something in appreciation 
12.     We are nearer God when we are honest and you are a living example of it. 
13.     “Honesty is the best policy”, I thought, was a thing written in books only, but today I have realized how it is practiced by a person like you. 
14.     You are really a role model of honesty and we all should follow you.  If all the people in the world followed your example, there would be no police. 
15.     In you I found an incarnation of honesty and integrity.  Really a rare example in this so selfish and materialistic world. 
16.     Even gods would burn incense before such an honest man as you. 
17.     I think honest men like you sustain the world.  You are a pillar of light and goodness. 

Again express gratitude in the end 
18.     Thank you once again for your honesty of the highest type. 
19.     I am so grateful for your act of kindness and honesty. 
20.     Where would one find such another honest and perfect gentleman! 
21.     With great appreciation. 
22.     Once again accept my heartfelt thanks. 
23.     My sincere thanks once again. 
24.     You have taught me an object lesson in honesty.  Thanks once again. 


Dear Sir, 

How excited still I am even after a week of receiving my purse back with all its contents—credit cards, cash and a diamond ring intact! I was feeling really depressed after the loss of my purse in the local train and never dreamed to have a gentleman like you ring my doorbell and hand me back my little treasure. 

I am really very, very thankful for your honesty and human milk of kindness that urged you to spare your valuable time in delivering it at my doorsteps.  It is so rare these days of utter selfishness and rank materialism.  If all the people in the world follow you as role model, I am sure most of the policemen and officers would be out of job. 
Thanks once again. 

With much gratitude. 

In conclusion write: 
1.     How I wish I could return some of this hospitality soon! 
2.     Tell me when would you pay us a return visit.  It is so nice in Delhi in October and then there are thousands of attractions. 
3.     Make it convenient to visit us during Dusshera holidays. 
4.     We are very eager to have you with us this summer vacation. 
5.     Spend some days with us during coming Christmas.  It is so wonderful in Panaji, Goa during winters. 
6.     Let us recreate the joys of our living together, but this time in our city in Panchkula. 
7.     If you ever make it up to Mumbai, a warm welcome awaits you at my residence. 
8.     I know your fascination for mountains, lakes and dark forests.  Then why don’t you visit us at Nainital this summer?   We shall have a wonderful time as we had at your house in Ajmer last year. 


My Dear Savita 

My visit to Chandigarh has really become a life-long memory and a part of my personal archives because of your so sincere care and hospitality during my visit.  How the week passed in your pleasant company I don’t forget.  It appears like a pleasant dream seen in the early morning.  Your breakfasts were superb and so were the evening and morning meals and other dishes.  I can’t remember if I ever laughed so merrily, hilariously and loudly as I did with you on the balcony that wet and lovely evening reminiscing about the good old and glorious college days. 
How I wish I could return at least a part of this lavish hospitality!  Come sometime to Delhi and give me the pleasure of your precious company. 

Thanks once again for all that care and hospitality. 



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