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Bank Success Book: Prepare Fast

Bank Success Book: Prepare Fast In 4 WeeksAnd Score Well In SBI, IBPS & Other Banks PO, Clerk & SO Exams

NOW ONLY Rs.295/

SBI Clerk Notification Has Been Released For 8301 Vacancies (Recruitment of Junior Associates - Customer Support & Sales). Preliminary Examination will be conducted tentatively in the month of March / April 2018.

IBPS Has Released Tentative Calendar for RRB (Officer Scale I and Office Assistants), PO & Clerk Exams 2018. Exams Starts from 11.08.2018. Start Preparing NOW

How You Can Prepare Quick And Score Well
  1. You get only important questions, based on repeated question types asked in 3 years.
  2. You will find step-by-step solutions by experts.
About 7 Years Experienced Publisher
We ( are team of experienced staff, trainers and retired bank staff. In 7 years, over 2.62 lakh candidates used our books.
How To Prepare In 4 Weeks Using 2 Books
  1. Bank Success Book :
    You will study only 1100 important questions. This book is based on repeated question types asked in past 3 years. For these questions, you will find easy solutions by experienced trainers and retired bank staff. To study quickly, you will find solution after each question. You can complete this book in approximately 4 weeks or even faster.

    This book contains all major sections: Numerical Ability (Quantitative Aptitude), English Language (Verbal & General English), Reasoning Ability (Logical Reasoning), Computer Aptitude (Computer Awareness) and General Awareness.

  2. Formulas & Techniques (shortcuts) Handbook :
    Using this handbook, in 2 hours you can study 190 formulas and 25 techniques. You will find examples for easy understanding.

Why you should start preparing NOW?
Tentative Dates of the upcoming exams are:
SBI Clerk Exam 2018 – 8301 Vacancies
Recruitment of Junior Associates - Customer Support & Sales:

Online Registration of Application & Payment of Fees: 20.01.2018 To 10.02.2018
Preliminary Examination: March / April 2018
Main Examination: 12.05.2018

IDBI Executives Exam – 760 Vacancies
Registration: 06.02.2018 To 28-02-2018
Written Exam: 28.04.2018

IBPS RRB Exam 2018 Dates:
Prelims (Officer Scale I & Office Assistants): 11.08.2018, 12.08.2018, 18.08.2018, 19.08.2018, 25.08.2018 & 01.09.2018
Single Exam (Officer Scale II & III): 30.09.2018
Mains: 30.09.2018 & 07.10.2018

IBPS PO Exam 2018 Dates:
Prelims: 13.10.2018, 14.10.2018, 20.10.2018 & 21.10.2018
Mains: 18.11.2018

IBPS Clerk Exam 2018 Dates:
Prelims: 08.12.2018, 09.12.2018, 15.12.2018 & 16.12.2018
Mains: 20.01.2019

IBPS SO Exam 2018 Dates:
Prelims: 29.12.2018 & 30.12.2018
Mains: 27.01.2019

Get your books fast so that...
  • You can start your preparation fast and complete before exam date.
    (You can prepare in approximately 4 weeks.)
  • You will get time for revision and practice.How to order?Use the order form below. We will send your books through courier or post.
    There are two payment options.
    1) Online Payment (Debit/Credit Card or Internet Banking)
    2) Cash on Delivery.(After receiving the books, please pay to postman or courier person.)
    What is the cost?
    The total cost of,
    1. Bank Success Book
    2. Formulas & Techniques Handbook
    Rs. 375   Rs. 295.
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