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🙏 ***Abbreviations for Bank Exams****🙏
1. AEPS – Aadhar Enabled Payment System.
2. APBS – Aadhar Payment Bridge System.
3. ATM – Automated Teller Machine.
4. ALM - Asset Liability Management.
5. BBPS – Bharat Bill Payment System.
6. BHIM - Bharat Interface for Money.
7. BCBS - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
8. CASA – Current Account Saving Account/
9. CAD – Capital Account Deficit.
10. CAR - Capital Adequacy Ratio.
11. CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate.
12. CBS – Core Banking Solutions.
13. CCL - Cash Credit Limit.
14. CIDR - Central Identities Data Repository.
15. CIBIL - Credit Information Bureau of India Limited.
16. CDR - Corporate Debt Restructuring.
17. CFR - Central Fraud Registry.
18. CTS – Cheque Truncation System.
19. CRR – Cash Reserve Ratio.
20. CRIS – Comparative Rating Index for Sovereign.
21. CRISIL - Credit Rating Information Services Of India
22. CRAR - Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio.
23. CVV - Card Verification Value.
24. DTC – Direct Tax Code.
25. DNS - Domain Name System.
26. DEAF - Depositor Education and Awareness Fund.
27. DTAA – Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
28. DII – Domestic Institutional Investor.
29. DIDF - Dairy Processing Infrastructure Development Fund.
30. ECB- External Commercial Borrowing.
31. ECS – Electronic Clearing Scheme.
32. EEFC - Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency.
33. EFSF – European Financial Stability Facility.
34. EFTPOS - Electronic funds transfer at point of sale.
35. EFT – Electronic Fund Transfer.
36. ELSS - Equity Linked Saving Scheme.
37. EPS - Earnings per Share.
38. EPOS - Electronic Point Of Sale.
39. ETF - Exchange Traded Fund.
40. FRBM - Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
41. FII – Foreign Institutional Investor.
42. FCNRA – Foreign Currency Non- Resident account.
43. FEMA - Foreign Exchange Management Act.
44. FPI - Foreign Portfolio Investment.
45. FRN - Floating Rate Note.
46. FINO - Financial Information Network and Operation Limited.
47. GAAR - General anti-avoidance rule.
48. GDR – Global Depository Receipt.
49. GDP – Gross Domestic Product.
50. GIRO - Government Internal Revenue Order.
51. GNFV - Gross Negative Fair Value.
52. GST – Goods and Services Tax.
53. HCE - Host Card Emulation
54. IBBI - Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India.
55. ICAAP - Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process.
56. IDF – Infrastructure Debt Fund.
57. IDR - Indian Depository Receipts.
58. IDRBT - Institute for Development and Research Of Banking.
59. IFSC - Indian Financial System Code.
60. IMPS - Immediate Payment Service.
61. IMPS - Interbank Mobile Payment Service.
62. IPO - Initial Public Offering.
63. IRDA - Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.
64. IRR - Internal Rate Of Return.
65. KCC - Kisan Credit Card.
66. KYC - Know Your Customer.
67. KVP - Kisan Vikas Patra.
68. LAF - Liquidity Adjustment Facility.
69. LIBOR – London Inter Bank Offered Rate.
70. LGD - Loss Given Default.
71. MCLR - Marginal cost of fund based lending rate.
72. MTN - Medium Term Note.
73. MUDRA - Micro Units Development And Refinance Agency.
74. MMID - Mobile Money Identifier.
75. MPIN - Mobile Personal Identification Number.
76. MFI - Micro Finance Institutions.
7.  MFDC – Micro Finance Development Council.
78. MSF – Marginal Standing Facility.
79. MIBOR – Mumbai Inter Bank Operation Rate.
80. MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition.
81. NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
82. NAV - Net Asset Value.
83. NBFC - Non -Banking Financial Companies.
84. NDTL – Net Demand and Time Liabilities.
85. NECS - National Electronic Clearing System.
86. NFA - No Frills Account.
87. NPA – Non- Performing Assets.
88. NHB - National Housing Bank.
89. NPCI - National Payment Corporation of India.
90. NFS – National Financial Switch.
91. NACH – National Automated Clearing House.
92. NPD - Net Primary Deficit.
93. NPV - Net Present Value.
94. NEFT – National Electronic Fund Transfer.
95. NFC - Near field communication.
96. NPS – New Pension Scheme.
97. NSSF - National Small Savings Fund.
 OTC – Over the Counter.
99. OTP - One-Time Password.
100. OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
101. OECO - Organisation for Economic Co-operation.
102. OLTAS - OnLine Tax Accounting System.
103. OMO - Open Market Operations.
104. P2P - Peer-to-peer.
105. PIN – Personal Identification Number.
106. PAN – Permanent Account Number.
107. PAC - Personal Access Code.
108. PAC – Public Account Committee.
109. PCA - Prompt Corrective Action.
110. PCR - Provision Coverage Ratio.
111. PCR – Public Credit Registry.
112. PAT - Profit After Tax.
113. PLR – Prime Lending Rate.
114. PPP – Purchasing Power Parity.
115. PPP – Public Private Partnership.
116. PFE - Potential Future Exposure.
117. PSPs - Payment Support Providers.
118. QIB - Qualified Institutional Bankers.
119. RIDF - Rural Infrastructure Development Fund.
120. RNR - Revenue Neutral Rate.
121. RWA - Risk Weighted Asset.
122. RTGS – Real Time Gross Settlement.
123. SLR – Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
124. SDR – Special Drawing Rights.
125. SHGs - Self-Help Groups.
126. SARFAESI - Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest.
127. SFTs: Securities financing transactions.
128. TDS - Tax Deducted at Source.
129. TORA - Transparency of Rules Act.
130. TRAI - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.
131. TIEA – Tax Information Exchange Agreement.
132. USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Services Data.
133. UIDAI - Unique Identification Authority of India.
134.VAT - Value Added tax.
135. VPA - Virtual Payment Address.

136. WL ATM - White Label ATM.
137. WMA - Ways and Means Advances.
138. WPI - Wholesale Price Index.
139. YTM - Yield to Maturity
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