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SBI PO is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Group Exercise and Personal Interview is the final round (Phase-III) in SBI PO 2017 Recruitment. Last year SBI introduced a prioritisation based group exercise which is also being conducted this year in the Group Discussion Round. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment and types of questions being asked in SBI PO 2017 Group Exercise and Interview Round. Keep on reading to understand the experience of Mousumi Roy.
First of all, I would like to Thank the entire Bankers adda team for your help. I have reached to the level of GDPI, the final stage of SBI PO which is considered as the dream of every banking aspirant. No words are enough to express my gratitude to all my beloved teachers and the non-teaching staff ( the camera man, the content writers, the video editors, the founder and every one else whom i forgot to mention). You all are helping people realize their dreams, that's the greatest work! please keep up your good work.
Thanking you all again.

HELLO to all my respected teachers of Bankersadda and all the friends who are reading my GDPI experience.

My name is MOUSUMI ROY. I am from Bongaigaon, Assam and hence, my GDPI venue was at SBI LHO Dispur, Gauhati. The reporting time at the Venue was 10 a.m. I reached the venue at 9.30 a.m. The document verification and biometric verification were done smoothly. The concerned officers and other SBI officers were very kind and friendly to me. We were provided Breakfast and Lunch; everything went smoothly.
GD Topic- “Indian villages: our strength or weakness.”
Duration -20 min

Our group had 10 people but one was absent. I was fortunate enough to be a part of such a nice group where everyone was very friendly and cheerful. As we had ample time to sit and relax before the GDs started, hence I talked to everyone and formed a friendly relation amongst us. I think it is vital to communicate to melt away any rigidity and discomfort among ourselves. Our group was made to sit in a room where two elderly SBI officers explained us the process of GD very nicely. They were very co-operative and friendly but observed each one of us, our individual performance minutely. We were
given a pen and notepad, then we were given the topic and 5 minutes to think about it and Jot down our points. ( I noticed many of us wrote very long paragraphs and were struggling to recite them later on. I preferred to write the in Bullet points in 2 minutes and utilized rest of the 3 minutes to think how to go about explaining them). Our 1 st GD went very well. We had a full 20 minutes discussion, everyone was given a chance to speak up and we reached a consensus too. I and one boy were the best as mentioned by the panel.

Group Exercise - Prioritizing some qualities
We were given to 8 points to prioritize. Group Exercise is performed after the discussion. In this group, exercise candidates were given a set of few qualities/ attributes/ traits/ parameters which they had to prioritize according to their understanding of the topic/ situation/ thinking ability.
  • Readiness to change
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • Adjusting
  • Risk taking ability
  • Positive attitude
  • Optimism
  • Resourcefulness
We had to prioritize them twice. We were given 5 minutes time to prioritize them according to our own choice and then, we were given 20 minutes to discuss the points among ourselves, justify our own reasoning (like, why I am putting some point at the top, why something at the bottom etc) and then finally, reach a consensus to prepare the Group’s prioritization of the points. It was also conducted very well and we talked for the full 20 minutes time.

The panel said that they have enjoyed our GDs very much , thanked us and asked us to take chocolates. We also thanked them.
Personal Interview

There were 5 people (1 Female and 4 Males) sitting in sofas encircling me. I was made to sit in the middle and it was my 1 st interview that also in SBI, it felt a little scary. The interview lasted for about 15 minutes.

M1: What did you do for the past 6 years? (I graduated in 2011)

M1: I think you have also worked in a school. (I had some working experience in School)

M2: You are a gold medalist in Nazrul Geeti and classical music. So, you did them instrumental or vocal? (Nazrul geeti is a form of music like Rabindra sangeet)

M3: What is Nazrul Geeti?

M1: Asked me about my parents, my father’s occupation, how long I have been in Assam, wherefrom I graduated and subject.

M2: Asked my subject questions. (Zoology)

F1: You have mentioned that you Exercise and practice yoga. So tell me something about it.

M4: Asked me a Current affairs question from that day’s newspaper.

M3: As you are entering the bank, I suggest you to pursue some banking courses for your promotions and better grasp of banking.

F1: You have mentioned that writing is your hobby. What do you write?

M2: You are a gold medalist in music, that’s a very good career option. You are also a freelance writer, that’s a very good career option too. you have very good skills. That requires a lot of passion and hardwork. (and some more words of appreciation followed) He told me he would give me some writing work for the bank after I join.

M2: As you join the bank, are you going to pursue all your hobbies side by side?

M1: As you didn’t join any coaching institutions, how did you prepare for SBI PO?

M1: What is BRICS?

M3: What is financial inclusion?

F1: What is Jan Dhan Yojana?

M1: What is trade deficit?

My GDs and PI were extremely good Hoping for the best outcome.

Hii my name is Satabdhi Kesari Barik.I am from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I have done Btech in Electrical engineering.


Date of Interview: 12/09/2017

Reporting Time: 8 AM

I reached the venue at 7:30 AM. 5-6 Candidates were already present and document verification was going on. Document verification went smoothly. The officers were very cooperative. I felt contented and jovial.

After that, a ma'am instructed us to go to the 6th floor where GD/GE was to be conducted. In the GD room, 2 officers were present. I was overwhelmed seeing their attire and personality. First of all, they congratulated us for getting up to this stage.Then they gave instructions and norms of GD/GE.
GD Topic- "The personal relationship has edge over digital relationship and vice versa in banking."
Duration -20 min

It went smoothly. Everyone put forth their opinions and perspectives. And finally, we reached a conclusion that both are equally important and mutually dependent. Group Discussion can be a tensed situation for some, but with confidence and clarity of thought, one can easily score in this phase. It is important to maintain the decorum of the session and avoid being too loud. Put forth your views and opinions firmly best backed by figures or facts and also let your fellow group members voice their opinions.

Group Exercise - What to look for If you are going for a vacation?
We were given to 8 points to prioritize. Group Exercise is performed after the discussion. In this group, exercise candidates were given a set of few qualities/ attributes/ traits/ parameters which they had to prioritize according to their understanding of the topic/ situation/ thinking ability.
  •  Lodging and boarding
  • Online review
  • Cleanliness
  • Popularity of the place
  • Entertainment options
  • Cuisine
There were 2 points more. I can't recall them right now.
Personal Interview

There were 4 members in the panel 1 female and 3 males ( F1 M1 M2 M3 )

M2- Tell me about yourself
ME- Answered

M2- What is Rohingya issue and what is India's stand in it? What is your opinion?
ME- Sir Rohingyas are the Muslim minorities of Myanmar where the majority i.e Buddhist majorities are treating them badly. There is discrimination towards them. There are 40000 Rohingyas in India and for strategic concerns and security threat, India ordered to deport them to Myanmar. According to strategic concern, India did right but from the humanitarian basis, it is not the right step because they are already facing problems in Bangladesh and Myanmar itself.

M3-  Who is the defence minister of India?
Me: Answered

M3- Why is she called the first woman Defence Minister of India?
Me: Answered

M3- What new thing she did after getting the new portfolio?
Me: Answered

M4- Asked me about my father, my native and what is it famous for?
Me: Answered

M4- Describe the room
Me: Answered

F1- Asked questions related to my hobby
Me: Answered

M2-Who is the editor of The Hindu?
Me: Answered

F1- What is volt, ampere and volt-ampere?
Me: Answered

F1- What is Ohm's law?
Me: Answered

F1- What is the difference between synchronous motor and induction motor and their applications?
Me: Answered

F1-What is NITI Aayog?
Me: Answered

M2- What is planning commission?
Me: Answered

M2- What are plan and non-plan budget?
Me: Answered

It went for 20-25 min and it was a nice experience. Questions were standard mostly related to personal, current affairs and educational background, no banking awareness.

Thank you & all the best for your Interviews!

Best of luck to all the aspirants...hope this helps.
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