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IBPS RRB PO is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS RRB PO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS RRB PO 2017 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of Kartheek M.
Date: 22/12/2017
Interview time: 10.30

There were 4 members in the panel. I wished them good morning when entered the room.

Asked to introduce myself and while i was telling about my father, he started to ask questions.

1. As you are a mechanical engineer with 78 percent, why don't you try for core side?

2. How will you develop your branch as PO?

3. What is S.H.G??
Answered. Self help group.

4. What is the objective of S.H.G? Is there any restriction that group formed by women only?

5. What is SERP?
Answerd. My father worked in SERP Department, that is why he asked.

6. What is meant by thrift?
I don't know exactly sir, .I answered..

7. Asked about my family and my

8. Do u have any further planning for studies?
I answered like I don't have any, right now sir. I will write department exams in this banks only, JIIB.

9. Tell me atleast 4 reasons why we should hire only you? Because others too are waiting outside, how can u justify yourself that only you will be selected?
Answered. I told 5 reasons. They felt satisfied.

10. General question like, Assume that you are a PO.  In your bank, the clerk always screams at people, how are you going to handle him?

It was a nice interview for me. Most of the part of my interview was a general discussion, they asked most of the questions in Telugu.

IBPS RRB GBO (General Banking Officers) is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS RRB GBO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS RRB GBO 2017 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of Suraj Kumar Yadava.

Post- IT Officer Scale 2
Center - Gramin bank of aryavart staff training center snehnagar nahariya chauraha, Alambagh, Lucknow
How to reach: Take Metro from Charbagh to Singar Nagar Metro station.

Reached at the center on time and then we were asked to wait in a room with a panel no. mentioned there. We waited there then they started calling for biomatric verification. After succeful biometric verification they putb the stamp and signature of succeful verification.

After verification we were called for Document verification. They were checking documents very strictly.

Following Documents needed in original with one self attested copy. 

1. Admit card
2. Printout of application form
3. High school certificate and marksheet. (For Date of Birth verification)
4. Intermediate Marksheets and Certificates.
5. B.Tech degree and Marksheets. (For calculating percentage and checking Date of Passing)
6.OBC certificate(Central Govt. certificate issued for the post of Govt of india and there should be written non- creamy layer clause.  Prefer making it in english otherwise Language is not a barrier. )
7.Experience Certificate(if you are working,  Date of joining should be mentioned with Emp Name, Id and Post in the reference document given by organizations as a proof of employment. They were not accepting Salary slip or joining or appointment Letter as a proof of employment. NOC is not required for Private Employes.)
8.Id Proof with Photo(Pan card, Aadhar card etc)

After Successful Document verification we were sent to a waiting room to wait for to be called for interview. After half hour my turn came.

I opened the door and asked for permission. There were 5 interviewers(4 Male and 1 Female), all above 50. One of them asked me to come in.

I wished good afternoon ma'am and good afternoon sirs.
Waited to be asked to be seated, so one of them asked me to sit down.

Me-  Thank you sir.
After this, Following Questions were asked in sequence:

1. From where you have done your Btech?
2. Where is it?
3. After completion of your Graduation, what have you done?
4.Where are you working now?
5. Tell us something about your work.
6. Which tool you are using?
7. Why you want to come in banking sector?
8. What does Growth mean to you?
9. Whose growth you are seeing? It's yours or bank's?
10.Difference between NEFT and RTGS?
11. How money is transferred from one bank to another through NEFT?
12. How IT is helpful in banks?
13. What is hub?
14. What is the salary you will get in bank as an IT officer?
15. What's your current salary?
16. What would you be doing if you don't get IT work in bank?

Most of the questions were asked in Hindi. That's all that happened, then they said, Thanks and said you can go now. Then I also said Thanks and came out. Overall, panel was good. I was expecting Mostly Technical Questions but they did not go for knowledge test and asked simple and normal questions to test attitude and personality. For dressing, you can wear formal shirt and Pant. If you are going in winter then put a simple blazer with a tie. Thats all. Hope it helps other aspirants.

IBPS RRB PO is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS RRB PO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS RRB PO 2017 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of Abhishek Saha.

UBI Staff training center, Guwahati
Time: 1pm, panel 3.

Document verification completed & my turn came at 5:30 p.m. (Last member)
6 members in the panel(M1,F,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6)

Entered & wished good evening & took a seat.

M3: So, Abhishek, where are you from?
Me: I hail from Tinsukia which is in upper Assam.
M3: Are Bhai, come-on, fast, introduce yourself.
Me: Gave introduction.
M3: Why you have come to banking being an engineer??
Me: Sir, back in Wipro I used to do computer network maintenance, so it was a totally repeatitive & monotonous process, & most importantly, it lacks decision making. I always love to communicate with people & takes decisions so that I can feel valuable for the organisation. Banking sector will give me enough scope as well as a challenge to make decisions.
M2: What is IDBI?
ME: Told.
M2: IDBI does retail banking?
Me: Don't know.
M5: what is SIDBI & NABARD?
Me: Told.
M6: What are the equities of RRBs?
Me: Answered.
M3: Abhishek, there will be a lot of pressure, how will you handle it?
Me: Sir, pressure might be there, but people are there who are doing it, so if they can , I'll also be able to do it in due course of time.
M5: If you are posted in 'Dima Hasao' which is nearby Nagaland border, will you work?
Me: Yes of course (pretended as if I don't know Nagaland is a disturbed area).
M3: Ok Abhishek, thank you, that's all.
Me: Thank you very much sir & I came out (the good thing is, they wrapped it up within 7 minutes as I was the last member).

My interview was totally based on the presence of mind, nothing very tough about banking was asked.

IBPS RRB PO (General Banking Officers) is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS RRB PO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS RRB PO 2017 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of Shubham Dharmadas Bansod.

Venue- Hotel Manasi, Cidco, Aurangabad
Time- 1.00 PM.
Date-  22-Dec-2017
Panel II

First of all biometric and document verification was done. In this, girls were given priority. No language proficiency kind of thing was done.

In the interview room, there were total 7 members sitting in L shape. 6M+1F

M1(must be head)- Tell us about your family.
M1- So you are an Engineer?
Me- No sir. I have done B.Sc(agriculture). After that, some discussion happened on my courses like specification and all.
M1 - When did u pass out?
Me - Sir in 2017
M1(Shocked and surprised)- whaaaat?? 2017?    Another panelist told him that I'm 1996 born.
M1- What is agrarian distress?
M1- Is there sugar factory in Nagpur?
(Again some discussion on this)
M1- What are the problems in extracting juice from Oranges?(as Nagpur is known as orange city)
M2- What is distress sale?
M2- Name foreign and Indian breeds of cattle?
M2- Why banking?
M2(in English)-What are allied activities of agriculture?
M1- What are your hobbies?
Me- Told them that I like to play cricket and watch standup comedians.
M1- Name some comedians.
M1- You can go now.

So it was my interview. It lasted for about 10 min. No banking was asked. The interview was conducted the in the Marathi language.

It's time to wait for the result. Hoping for the best. Here I remember the line of Amitabh Bachchan Sir.
अपने मन का हुआ तो अच्छा, नहीं हुआ तो बहोत ही अच्छा ... Similarly, Selection हुआ तो अच्छा, नहीं हुआ तो बहोत ही अच्छा...
IBPS RRB PO (General Banking Officers) is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS RRB PO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS RRB PO 2017 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of Ranjitha K.

Venue: Sri vidya college ,Virudhunagar TN.

I completed my RRB scale -1 interview. Here, I would like to share my experience. I am from Tamilnadu, the interview was conducted in my regional language ie., TAMIL. I have roughly translated it into English.
My timing was 1:00 p.m. After completing verification, I went for the interview around 2.15 p.m. They called me around 2.50 p.m.

The panel consisted of 3male and 1 female.

Me: May I come in sir,
M1: Yes, come in.
Me: Good afternoon ma'am and good afternoon sirs.
M1: Good afternoon take Your seat.
Me: Thank you, sir.
M1: Are you from Kangeyam in Tiruppur dt.?
Me: Yes sir.
M1: Tell me about your city.
Me: Explained.
M1: Tell me about your family background & educational background.
Me: Told.
M2: Some questions related to crops that we cultivate.(I told my father is a farmer).
Me: Answered.
F1: Gone somewhere away from her seat.
M1: Name the Nationalised banks that HQs in Chennai.
Me: IOB & Indian bank sir.
M3: Only 2 banks I told but it's 3.
Me: No sir I am sure that only 2 banks have their HQs there.
M1: Name the private sector bank that HQ in TN and place where it is located.
Me: Answered and forgot to tell about TMB.
M1: Did you ever hear the word TMB?
Me: Sir Tamilnad Mercantile Bank HQ is in Thoothukudi.
M1: Good.
M3: Which is the 1st railway route in India?
Me: Mumbai to Thane in 1853 sir.
M3: Super!. where is the 1st oil well found in India?
Me: Assam sir.(Thank You Kush sir for your HS).
M3: Again: Major tea producing state?
Me: West Bengal, Assam, and other northeastern states sir.
M1: Who is the president of the US? Previously who held that position? According to your opinion who is the best?
Me: Told their names and told. Their views are entirely different and both are best in their views but by my point of view Obama is somewhat good and explained with the economic crisis in 2008 and foreign policies.
M1: Ok. Then who is the foreign affairs minister in India and consistency?
Me: Told.
F1: (Back to her seat).
M2: Tell me something about RBI?
Me: Told Some points
M2: These all are basics tell something new.
Me: Remain silent for few seconds and told Mr. Raghuram Rajan is the 2nd youngest gov of rbi.
M2: Smiled
M3: What do you think about BJP after winning major seats?
Me: Replied after 10 seconds sorry sir I dont have any clear idea about that.(Bcoz I dont like politics).
M2: Ask something about SEBI.
Me: Explained
(Finally F1 ask the final question)
F1: Nowadays govt is promoting the cashless economy. What you think about that? And what are the incentives our govt provide for it?
Me: Explained.
M1: Thank you Ranjitha. Good luck.
Me: Thanked everyone.

It lasted for 10-12 mins. Overall my interview was good. All members except for one were friendly.
IBPS RRB GBO (General Banking Officers) is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the second final round of IBPS RRB GBO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS RRB GBO 2017 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of Santosh Singh.

First of all, I would like to congrats Bankersadda team for their commendable job.

I appeared for RRB GBO scale 2 on 20 Dec 2017. My experience is as follows.

My reporting time was 1.30. My turn came around 4.30. I was very tense before the interview, but the moment I entered the interview hall it got vanished. There were eight members in the panel with one female and rest were male. The interview started here.

M1-Tell me something about yourself.
Me- Since this is expected question, I replied easily

M1- Are you married? (With smile)
Me- Not yet sir, But already engaged just before my written exam. (everyone started laughing)

M2- Do you like tea?
Me- No sir. But sometimes I have coffee.

M1- You are working in a reputed MNC bank, then why RRB?
Me- Sir I have done my studies in a rural area. I have been part of the "Kisan Mitra Yojna" launched by U. P government for 2 years. So I think I can understand their needs, and can do something for their betterment.


M3-Since u are working in Forex. Tell me the documents required for outward remittance from India to overseas.?
M3-Since this is my work area, I replied.

M1-There was one trade fraud happened in 2015, tell me the name of the bank involved in it?
Me-Bank of Baroda and HDFC etc.

M4-What is financial inclusion?
Me-To provide basic banking services to every section of the society is known as financial inclusion.

M4-Tell any one scheme launched by government to promote the financial inclusion.
Me-Pradhan matri Jan dhan yojana.

M5-In which year Lead bank scheme was Launched and it's rational?
Me-Since I was well prepared. Replied easily.

M6-How would u promote credit expansion in rural areas?
Me-I replied anyhow, but interviewer seems unsatisfied.

M1-What is RRB?  Why it was launched.?

M2-What is the full name of PSL.
Me-priority sector lending.

M6-Which bank is the lead banker of your district (Mirzapur)?
Me-Allahabad bank

M5-What is the book size of this bank?
Me-Sorry sir. I don't know.

At last the chairman of the panel wished me all the best and said I like the way u answered the questions. You got a smiling face. The interview ends here.

IBPS RRB PO is the most sought after recruitment process by banking aspirants. Personal Interview is the final round (Phase-III) in IBPS RRB PO 2017 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment and types of questions being asked in IBPS RRB PO 2017 Interview Round. Keep on reading to understand the experience of Sneha.

F: (Lil argumentive) Everything is possibly ok, what you believe mostly hard work or destiny?

F: As you are saying you had given the interview last time in IBPS RRB PO, then why didn't you select? R u disqualified in the interview itself?

M4: As you are technical graduate so tell me, how technology will help in rural banks?
Me: explained well.

M1: Tell me, what is you mean by the bank? There are several banks like the blood bank, mobile bank etc... and also tell me what is you mean by blood bank?

Me: Explained well
M3: Okay. You are talking everything in English, Just tell me, what are the things you did yesterday (fatafat) in Odiya?
Me: Said...

M6: Tell me 3 important sectors in our Indian economy?

Me: Don't know, sorry sir.

M6: Okay, Tell me, What is you mean by Priority sector lending?

Me: Satisfactory answer is given

M2: Okay, Good luck :)

Me: Greeted all and left the room with mixed feelings.


Overall the interview was good but because of the Lady’s attitude and stressful interview style…I am confused about the outcome.

Good luck to everyone!
Sneha is happy now :-)


Best luck to everyone.

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