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1. As per the latest Monetary Policy Review it has been decided by The Reserve Bank of India to reduce the Staturory Liquidity Ratio w.e.f 24th June 2017 from 20.5% to ______:
a) 20.00%
b) 20.25%
c) 20.75%
d) 21.00%
e) None of the above
2. Which bank is launching Rs. 15,000 Crore share sale to Institutions to increase capital base as a part of meeting Basel III requirements by March 2019?
a) Indian Bank
b Union Bank of India
c) State Bank of India
d) United Bank of India
3. Which of the following are the facts about Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)?
a) It is a quick and easy way of transferring personal remittances from abroad to beneficiaries in India.
b) Only inward personal remittances into India such as remittances towards family maintenance
c) Remittances favouring foreign tourists visiting India are permissible
d) No outward remittance from India is permissible under MTSS
e) All the above
4. In Electronic Clearing Service there are two types of viz., ECS debit and ECS Credit. What does ECS debit represents?
a) Number of debits and one credit
b) Number of credits and one debit
c) Multiple number of debits and credits
d) Few Debits and Few Credits
e) None of the above
5. The Public Information Officer is required to reply to the query raised under Right to Information
Act within in maximum period of ___ days. In case of delay, the penalty is Rs. ____ per day.
a) 10 days; 100
b) 15 days ; 100
c) 20 days ; 250
d) 30 days ; 250
e) 7 days : 350
6. Fiscal policy is concerned with which of the following?
a) Public revenue and expenditure
b) Issue of currency
c) Education for all
d) Population control
e) Export and Import
7. When credit facilities to one party are sanctioned by more than one bank under a common arrangement, such facility given to a customer is called _____:
a) Consortium
b) Syndication
c) Multiple Banking
d) Participation
e) None of the given options is true
8. FATCA stands for ?
a) Forex Account Tax Compliance Act
b) Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
c) Forex Account Total Compliance Act
d) Foreign Account Total Compliance Act
e) None of the given options is true
9. In case of decision given by LokAdalat, the appeal against judgement by aggrieved customer can be made within _____:
a) 1 month from the date of judgment
b) 45 days from the date of judgment
c) 2 months from the date of judgment
d) 3 months from the date of judgment
e) No appeal allowed
10. The unclaimed deposits for 10 years and above will be transferred to Depositor Education Awareness Fund (DEAF). This DEAF was introduced in the year__:
a) 2012
b) 2013
c) 2014
d) 2015
e) 2016
11. "Buy Now - Pay Now" is commonly used for ____:
a) Debit Cards
b) Vault Cards
c) Credit Cards
d) E-purse
e) None of the above
12. A settlement system in which the processing and final payment of funds transfer instructions takes place continuously, is called ___.
a) Debit clearing system
b) Credit clearing system
c) National clearing system
d) Real time gross settlement
e) Speed Clearing system
13. Acollaborative network that uses Internet Technology to link business with their suppliers is ____.
a) Internet
b) Intranet
c) Extranet
d) WAN
e) LAN
14. Banknet was set up by ___:
a) IBA
b) RBI
c) Central Govt
d) IT department of Concerned Bank
e) None of the above
15. A There are credit rating Agencies like Standard and Poor, Moody's. According to these Agencies
Corporate Bond which carry a rating of AAA is considered to be _____:
a) Exceptional degree of credit worthiness and top credit rating
b) High probability of default
c) Low risk
d) Medium Risk
e) 3/4th risk
16. Which of the following are part of Public Sector Banks ?
(i) Bank of India
(ii) Central Bank of India
(iii) Regional Rural Bank, sponsored by a nationalized bank
a) Only (i) and (ii)
b) Only (i) and (iii)
c) Only (ii) and (iii)
d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
e) None of the above
17. RBI introduced Commercial Paper in the year_____:
a) 1970
c) 1985
d) 1990
e) 2000
18. When the Award of the Banking Ombudsman is not acceptable to the parties, they can approach
Appellate Authority. At this stage the appellate authority may:
a) Dismiss the appeal
b) Send the matter to the Banking Ombudsman for fresh disposal in accordance with such directions as the appellate authority may consider necessary or proper
c) Modify the award and pass such directions as may be necessary to give effect to the modified award
d) Pass any other order as it may deem fit
e) All the above
19. Credit cards are of standard size and thickness and are embossed with which of the the following details?
(i) Name of card holder
(ii) Card number
(iii) Validity date
a) Only (i) and (ii)
b) Only (i) and (iii)
c) Only (ii) and (iii)
d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
e) Only (i)
20. Which of the following are correct regarding Indo - Nepal Remittance Scheme?
a) A remitter can transfer funds up to Rs. 50,000
b) A remitter can transfer funds only upto Rs. 25,000
c) It is not necessary that the remitter should maintain an account with a bank in India.
d) a remitter can transfer funds upto Rs 1,00,000
e) Only a & c
1) a 2) c 3) e 4) a 5) d 6) a 7) a 8) b 9) e 10) c
11) a 12) d 13) c 14) b 15) a 16) d 17) d 18) e 19) d 20) e

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