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SBI is a bank which has the highest recruitment rate in the country. It recruits employees every year for posts right from sub staff to Probationary officers. In fact, the SBI PO Exam is scheduled to take place on 4th June 2017. According to one of the latest SBI Exam updates, there is a compulsion for you to have an Aadhaar number.

SBI Exam Updates 2017 – Detailed Notice Aadhaar Card
Recent SBI Exam Update, states that you need to have an Aadhaar Card which has your Aadhaar Unique Identification Number, in order to apply for any of the SBI Recruitment.
This update makes it mandatory for all the applicants to present the Aadhaar number either at the time of application or at the time of joining. There are high chances that the photocopy of Aadhaar Card will be needed for the documents verification.
SBI Exam Updates – Why Aadhaar Card is mandatory?
As this is a sudden notice, most of you must be wondering about need of this move. The reason behind this update is to verify identities of applicants.
The Aadhaar number will be used at discretion of SBI to match the biometric information taken through biometric attendance system at the time of the examination/ interview/ medical fitness test/ reporting for joining with that stored on the Aadhaar server to establish the identity of the candidate.
SBI Exam Updates – Who is exempted?
Though this rule will be applicable for almost all the candidates, there are a few exceptions to this rule. The candidates from most states will be required to present their Aadhaar Card. But candidates from
·         Jammu & Kashmir
·         Meghalaya
·         Assam
are exempted from this rule.
For those of you who do not possess Aadhaar Card, to verify your identity, you will be require your Voter ID / Passport / Driving License or any other valid documents as mentioned in the relevant recruitment notification of SBI.
SBI Exam Updates – What to do if you don’t have Aadhaar card?
This rule will be in effect from the 1st of July 2017. So if you register now, you can avail your card by then. If not, the SBI notification mentions that you can present your 28 digit Aadhar Registration Number instead of the Aadhaar card. So you don’t need to worry about it. Just make sure that you do register for your Aadhaar card for future exams.
To make the process easy and transparent for all, this is a good step that SBI has taken. So register soon if you haven’t and take your step towards transparent system.
Note: For those of you who are appearing for SBI PO exam tomorrow, you don’t have to worry. This notification comes into effect from 1st July 2017.

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