👉 Banking ombudsman is appointed by – RBI
👉 Tax free union territory – Pudhucherry
👉 Maximum age for retirement of MD/CEO for all private banks – 70 years
👉 New savings schemes introduced by SBI for children – pehlaKadam and PehliUdaan
👉 Financial inclusion – Ensuring accessibility to bank accounts for many/all.
👉 Vijay Mallya ‘willfull defaulter is declared by – United Bank of India
👉 Mutual funds are regulated by – Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
👉 Equator- the term associated with Banking operations
👉 U.T.I officially changed by – Axis bank
👉 Regulatory authority of rural banks – RBI and NABARD
👉EBT – Electrical Benefit Transfer
👉 BMB Smartbanking – internet banking facility launched by BharatiyaMahila Bank
👉 NABARD – Handles refinance for agriculture and rural development in India
👉 ICICI – allow to open bank account for children above 10
👉 Kotak Mahindra Bank – launched FACEBOOK based social networking instant fund transfer
👉 SBI – introduced first multi-currency international debit card.
👉 Microsoft – ready to set up data centres end of 2015.
👉 The foreign exchange reserves are kept by – RBI
👉 Bank of Rajastan merged with UCO bank
👉 Drawer in bank cheques – who issues the cheque.
👉 Drawee in bank cheque – always the banker
👉 Union bank – first bank to set up talking ATM
👉 SBI Associate banks – initially seven banks
👉 During inflation tax should be increased.
👉 Industrial sector – biggest tax paying sector in India
👉 SBI – first Indian bank to touch market capital up to Rs.100000 crore
👉 Insurance sector regulated by – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
👉 United commercial bank – Expanded form UCO bank
👉 TRIPS and TRIMS associated with – WTO
👉 SBI and Bank of India – first two Indian banks to open branch in Pakistan
👉 The merchant banking activities in India governed by - SEBI
👉 RBI establish in – April 1, 1935.
👉 Original name of SBI – Bank of Calcutta and Bank of Bengal
👉 SBI comes into existence in – 1955
👉 Hum Hai Na is the slogan of ICICI
👉 World bank established in 1944
👉 Headquarter of world bank is Washington DC.
👉 World bank 12th president – Jim Yong Kim
👉 SIDBI – Small Industries Development Bank of India
👉 NHB – National Housing Bank
👉 NHB established in 9th July, 1988
👉 NDTL – Net Demand and Time Liabilities.
👉 KYC – Know Your Customer
👉 Inflation – increase in general level of price for goods and service
👉 Bearer cheque – payable to any person who present it for payment at the bank counter
👉 Capital market deals in – Long term funds and Debt and Equity
👉 Banking commission established in – 1972
👉 IRDA headquarter – Hyderabad
👉 SBI formulated under – SBI Act 1955
👉 ICICI – first universal bank established in country
👉 Scheduled commercial banks got license under – Banking Regulation Act 1949
👉 Laxmi commercial bank merged with Canara bank
👉 If ATM is out of order it is called operational risk
👉 When computer is not worked in banks is called operational risk
👉 Credit risk – If loans are not repaid in time
👉 Market risk – If the bank products failed to service in market
👉 IFSC denotes Branch code of any bank
👉 IFSC consist of 11 digits
👉 Global bank – Take over by Oriental bank of commerce
👉 RBI does not issue one rupee note
👉 Bank of baroda – first bank to open branch outside India at London
👉 NRI deposits called as Hot Money
👉 LAB – Local Area Banks
👉 Oriental bank of commerce – first bank to issue capital to public.
👉 SEBI consists of chairman and five members
👉 Bank rate – when RBI desires to restrict expansion of credit it raises.
👉 Dishonour of the cheque – when bank returns the the cheque unpaid
👉 Mortgage is the security on immovable property
👉 FINO – Financial Information Network and Operation Limited
👉 When the purchasing power of money decreases then rate of inflation increase.
👉 DICGC – Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited
👉 Money laundering – conversion of money which is illegally obtained.
👉 NEFT – National Electronic Fund Transfer
👉 Loans and Advances is not a money market instrument.
👉 First bank to launch mutual fund – SBI
👉 TPA – Third Party Administrator
👉 RBI nationalised under – Transfer of Public Ownership Act, 1948
👉 RBI regional centres – Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi
👉 Scheduled commercial banks credit limit – Rs.500000
👉 Scheduled commercial banks has to maintain their CRR up to 3% of their time.
👉 Scheduled commercial Banks CRR can go up to maximum of - 21%
👉 Public sector banks nationalised up to 19-07-1969 – 14
👉 Minimum paid up capital for private banks – 100 crore
👉 Regional rural banks established on 02-10-1975
👉 LIC established in 1956
👉 NABARD established in 1982 under act of paliment
👉 EXIM – Export and Import bank of India
👉 Exim bank passed oon 1981
👉 NHB established in 1988
👉 Minimum age to become manager in private sector banks – 21
👉 TRAI – Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
👉 Extended date for BASEL III norms – 31-03-2019
👉 FDI limit in insurance - 49%
👉 Singapore is the top in ease of doing business
👉 MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition and it has 9 character
👉 Oldest public sector bank – Allahabad bank
👉 Australia – first country to issue pure plastic notes
👉 Rate of interest determined by commercial banks
👉 India’s first non bank owned ATM (white labled ATM)in Maharashtra
👉 Largest commercial bank – SBI
👉 Demand deposit – bank deposit can be drawn without notice
👉 Currency notes must have 14 languages
👉 Multilated Notes – Notes which are in pieces of which the essential parts are missing
👉 HDFC – Housing Development Finance Corporation
👉 FCCB – Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
👉 MICR – Magnetic Ink Character recognition
👉 RBI established in 1, April 1935.
👉 WPI – Whole sale Price Index.
👉 Regulator of capital market – SEBI
👉 Capital market – in which long term securities are bought and sold
👉 When aggregate supply is less than aggregate demands is then inflation occurs.
👉 FMC – Forward Market Commission
👉 In MICR first six numbers indicates Cheque number
👉 ICICI – first bank to launch EMI facility on debit card.
👉 Financial assistance for sum of Rs.5,000 can be called as Micro finance.
👉 ICRIER – Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
👉 Fixed deposit maximum period of 10 years.
👉 First Indian bank to receive principal approval form RBI – HDFC
👉 KYC innovated by Basel committee
👉 FDI – foreign direct investment.
👉 Deflation – reduction in general level price an economy.
👉 Inflation – increase in price and fall in the purchasing value of money.
👉 FII – Foreign Institutional Investor.
👉 SEBI – statutory body
👉 Bank rate – which is levied on long term loans and advances taken by commercial banks form RBI
👉 Cash reserve ratio – amount of fund that the banks have to maintain with RBI.
👉 RBI nationalised on 1949.
👉 Maximum compensation by banking ombudsman for a complaint is Rs.10 Lakh
👉 Stael cheque – not honoured by bank
👉 N.K .Singh committee related to FDI.
👉 Smart money refers to credit cards.
👉 Home loans are a retail banking product.
👉 Merchant banking comes under existence of 1967
👉 Grindlays bank – first bank to introduce the merchant bank in India.
👉 UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
👉 SBI – first bank to receive approval of getting full bank licence in Singapore.
👉 SME – Small and Medium Enterprise
👉 CEPI – Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index.
👉 FATF – Financial Action Task Force.
👉 CGC – Credit Guarantee Corporation
👉 DICGC – Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
👉 BSBDA – Basic Saving Bank Deposit Account
👉 Bankruptcy – when publicly announces that he can not repay loans in banking language.
👉 IFSR – International Financial Reporting Standards
👉 World bank referred to International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
👉 FIMMDA – Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association
👉 GAAR – General Anti Avoidance Rules.
👉 Minimum and maximum level of RTGS – 2 lakh and No limit
👉 Bank of Hindustan – first bank established in India
👉 Bank of Hindustan established in 1770.
👉 6 banks nationalised in 1980.
👉 Central office of RBI is Kolkata. (initially established) then Mumbai
👉 RBI consists of 1 Governor and $ Deputy Governor.
👉 BFS - Board for Financial Supervision
👉 BFS constituted on November 1994.
👉 BFS chaired by Governor.
👉 NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
👉 ARDC – Agriculture Refinance and Development Corporation.
👉 NABARD dedicated to Indira Gandhi
👉 Chairman of NABARD – Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
👉 Mumbai – NABARD head quarters.
👉 CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility.
👉 IRDAI – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
👉 IRDAI head quarter Hyderabad.
👉 IRDAI under IRDAI Act 1999.
👉 T.S. Vijayan is the chairman of IRDAI.
👉 LIC comes in to existence of 1956.
👉 BIS – Bank for International Settlements.
👉 BIS head office Basel, Switzerland.
👉 Number of central banks are member of BIS is 60.
👉 SDR – Special Drawing Rights.
👉 General manger of BIS is Jaime Caruna
👉 GATT – General Agreement on Traffic and Trade.
👉 Number of member in WTO – 161.
👉 Food for work program is renamed as NREP.
👉 Headquarter of SIDBI is Lucknow.
👉 IRBI – Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India.
👉 IRBI was established in 1985.
👉 IMF established on 27, December 1945.
👉 IMF headquarters – Washington DC
👉 France is the first country to borrow form IMF
👉 C. Rangarajan plays the vital role in setting up NHB.
👉 2022 – NHB objective to promote slum free cities.
👉 Top 5 credit card issuer – ICICI, HDFC, SBI, Citi Bank, American Express.
👉 The term credit card first used by Edward Bellamy.
👉 NPCI – National Payment Corporation of India.
👉 Fiscal policy deals with Taxation and Expenditures.
👉 DTC – Direct Tax Code
👉 FRBM – Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management.
👉 John Adrian Shepherd Barron – inventor of ATM.
👉 ATM invented in 1967
👉 HSBC first bank to introduce the ATM at 1987.
👉 World’s highest ATM is located at Sikkim.
👉 White label ATM – ATM that does not have any bank logo.
👉 Banking ombudsman scheme was introduced by Banking Regulation Act,1949.
👉 Banking ombudsman scheme first revised in 2002.
👉 Current banking ombudsman scheme introduced in 2006.
👉 GATT was signed by 23 nations in Geneva on October 30, 1947.
👉 Headquarter of GATT Geneva, Switzerland.
👉 Number of countries in world bank 188.
👉 The main focus of IBRD and IDA is on developing countires.
👉 Renewable term for selecting world bank president – 5 years.
👉 Allahabad bank
👉 Allahabad bank – found on April 24, 1865.
👉 Head office – Kolkata.
👉 Nationalised on 19 ,July 1969.
👉 It was merged with united industrial bank limited in October 1989.
👉 In 2007 this bank’s capital first crossed 1,00,000.
👉 This bank celebrate 150th years of foundation on April 2014.
👉 Chairman and managing director – Rakesh Sethi.
👉 Orbit of large banks – because it crosses bench mark business figure Rs.300000 crore.
👉 Slogan A tradition of trust.
👉 In February 2007 Allahabad bank opened its first overseas bank in Hong Kong.
👉 CSB- Core Banking Solution.
👉 Allahabad bank operates more than 3000 branches.
👉 In march 2011 Allahabad bank implemented CBS in all branches
👉 Syndicate bank- Established on 1925.
👉 Primary objective – To extend financial assistance to the local weaver through mobilising all savings from community.
👉 Logo – Dog.
👉 MD and CEO – Arun Shrivastava.
👉 Headquarters – Manipal, Karnataka.
👉 Slogan – Your Faithful and Friendly Financial Partner.
👉 It was nationalised on 19 July, 1969.
👉 In 2010 – 11 the bank opened 135 branches.
👉 In 2009-10 – 50 branches opened.
👉Oriental bank of commerce (OBC)
👉 Founded on 19 February 1943.
👉 Headquarters – Gurgaon, Haryana.
👉 Slogan – where every individual is committed.
👉 Founded at first in Lahore.
👉 First chairman – Rai Bahadur Lala Sohan Lal (one of the founder)
👉 Nationalised on 15, april 1980.
👉 OBC amalgamated Global Trust Bank
👉 Amalgamated on 14 August 2004.
👉 MD and CEO – Anmesh Chauhan.
👉 Grameen projects- Dehradun and Hanumangarh.
👉 It has more than 530 branches in India.
👉 Punjab and Sind bank
👉 Founded on 24, June 1908.
👉 Headquarters – New Delhi.
👉 More than 600 branches in Punjab.
👉 Established on 1960.
👉 Rural bank sponsored by Punjab and sind bank is Sutlej Gramin Bank.
👉 Slogan – Where service is a way of life.
👉 Chairman – Jatinder Bir Singh.
👉 Bank of Baroda (BOB)
👉 Founded on 20 July, 1908.
👉 Under companies Act of 1897.
👉 Started with the capital of Rs. 10 Lakh
👉 Headquarter – Vadodara (Baroda)
👉 BOB ranked 801 on Forbes global 2000 list.
👉 It has more than 5300 branches in India and abroad.
👉 Slogan – India’s International Bank.
👉 Chairman – Ravi Venkatraman.
👉 Founder – Maratha Kingdom
👉 BOB’s first domestic acquisition – Hind Bank
👉 Punjab National Bank
👉 Born on May 19, 1894.
👉 Open its door to the public on 12 April 1895.
👉 Lala Lajpat Rai is the first person open the account.
👉 On March 31, 1947 PNB bank officials decided to leave Lahore.
👉 Slogan – The name you can bank upon.
👉 Founder – Lala Lajpat Rai
👉 Headquarters – New Delhi.
👉 They got Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana excellence award 2015.
👉 United bank of India
👉 Formed on 1950.
👉 It has three organisational set up.
👉 Also known as Tea Bank.
👉 Slogan The bank That Begins with ‘U’
👉 MD and CEO – P. Srinivas.
👉 Headquarter – New Delhi.
👉 Vijaya bank
👉 Founded on 23rd October 1931.
👉 Became scheduled bank in 1958.
👉 In 1963-68 there are 9 banks merged with.
👉 1701 branches, 49 extension counter and 1528 ATM.
👉 It has 3 organisational set up structure.
👉 Slogan – The Friend You can bank upon.
👉 MD and CEO – Kishore Kumar Sansi
👉 Headquarters – Bangalore.
👉 It is a medium sized public sector bank.
👉 Check card is also known as Debit card.
👉 Union Pay debit card is associated with China.
👉 Prepaid debit cards are also known as Reloadable Debit cards.
👉 The prepaid bank card is also known as Bank Gift Card.
👉 POS – Point of Sale.
👉 Canara Bank
👉 founded by Ammembai Subba Rao Pai
👉 founded on July, 1906
👉 Nationalised on July, 1969.
👉 Total 9039 ATM
👉 Chairman – T.N.Manoharan
👉 MD and CEO – Rakesh Sharma
👉 Got golden peacock business excellence award 2015.
👉 Headquarter – Bangalore
👉 Slogan – it’s easy to change for those love you, together we can.
👉 MSME banking excellence award in 2015.
👉 Opened seventh overseas branch in New York in 2014.
👉 Rupiya in our country introduced by Sher Shah Suri
👉 SME – Small and Medium Enterpraise
👉 CEPI – Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index.
👉 Crypto currency – Digital medium of exchange
👉 FATF – Financial Action Take Force
👉 India become the member of FATF in 2010.
👉 Micro credit – small credit given to poor
👉 CGC – Credit Guarantee Corporation
👉 Sugan scheme was launched for small tax payers.
👉 National Rural Employment Program was formally called as Food For Work
👉 Converting into physical form of share into electronic form is called DEMAT.
👉 Bank of Rajasthan is merged with ICICI.
👉 Lockless bank in Maharashtra UCO bank.
👉 BFS – Board of Financial Supervision
👉 Australia is the first country to issue purely plastic notes.
👉 7 more banks nationalised in 1980.
👉 ICICI kicked of online bank in 1996.
👉 Banking ombudsman is appointed by – RBI
👉 Tax free union territory – Pudhucherry
👉 Maximum age for retirement of MD/CEO for all private banks – 70 years
👉 New savings schemes introduced by SBI for children – pehlaKadam and PehliUdaan
👉 Financial inclusion – Lack of access to financial service
👉 Vijay Mallya ‘willfull defaulter is declared by – United Bank of India
👉 Mutual funds are regulated by – Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
👉 Equator- the term associated with Banking operations
👉 U.T.I officially changed by – Axis bank
👉 Regulatory authority of rural banks – RBI and NABARD
👉EBT – Electrical Benefit Transfer
👉 BMB Smartbanking – internet banking facility launched by BharatiyaMahila Bank
👉 NABARD – Handles refinance for agriculture and rural development in India
👉 ICICI – allow to open bank account for children above 10
👉 Kotak Mahindra Bank – launched FACEBOOK based social networking instant fund transfer
👉 SBI – introduced first multi-currency international debit card.
👉 Microsoft – ready to set up data centres end of 2015.
👉 The foreign exchange reserves are kept by – RBI
👉 Bank of Rajastan merged with UCO bank
👉 Drawer in bank cheques – who issues the cheque.
👉 Drawee in bank cheque – always the banker
👉 Union bank – first bank to set up talking ATM
👉 SBI Associate banks – initially seven banks
👉 During inflation tax should be increased.
👉 Industrial sector – biggest tax paying sector in India
👉 SBI – first Indian bank to touch market capital up to Rs.100000 crore
👉 Insurance sector regulated by – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)
👉 United commercial bank – Expanded form UCO bank
👉 TRIPS and TRIMS associated with – WTO
👉 SBI and Bank of India – first two Indian banks to open branch in Pakistan
👉 The merchant banking activities in India governed by - SEBI
👉 RBI establish in – April 1, 1935.
👉 Original name of SBI – Bank of Calcutta and Bank of Bengal
👉 SBI comes into existence in – 1955
👉 Hum Hai Na is the slogan of ICICI
👉 World bank established in 1944
👉 Headquarter of world bank is Washington DC.
👉 World bank 12th president – Jim Yong Kim
👉 SIDBI – Small Industries Development Bank of India
👉 NHB – National Housing Bank
👉 NHB established in 9th July, 1988
👉 NDTL – Net Demand and Time Liabilities.
👉 KYC – Know Your Customer
👉 Inflation – increase in general level of price for goods and service
👉 Bearer cheque – payable to any person who present it for payment at the bank counter
👉 Capital market deals in – Long term funds and Debt and Equity
👉 Banking commission established in – 1972
👉 IRDA headquarter – Hyderabad
👉 SBI formulated under – SBI Act 1955
👉 ICICI – first universal bank established in country
👉 Scheduled commercial banks got license under – Banking Regulation Act 1949
👉 Laxmi commercial bank merged with Canara bank
👉 If ATM is out of order it is called operational risk
👉 When computer is not worked in banks is called operational risk
👉 Credit risk – If loans are not repaid in time
👉 Market risk – If the bank products failed to service in market
👉 IFSC denotes Branch code of any bank
👉 IFSC consist of 11 digits
👉 Global bank – Take over by Oriental bank of commerce
👉 RBI does not issue one rupee note
👉 Bank of baroda – first bank to open branch outside India at London
👉 NRI deposits called as Hot Money
👉 LAB – Local Area Banks
👉 Oriental bank of commerce – first bank to issue capital to public.
👉 SEBI consists of chairman and five members
👉 Bank rate – when RBI desires to restrict expansion of credit it raises.
👉 Dishonour of the cheque – when bank returns the the cheque unpaid
👉 Mortgage is the security on immovable property
👉 FINO – Financial Information Network and Operation Limited
👉 When the purchasing power of money decreases then rate of inflation increase.
👉 DICGC – Deposits Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited
👉 Money laundering – conversion of money which is illegally obtained.
👉 NEFT – National Electronic Fund Transfer
👉 Loans and Advances is not a money market instrument.
👉 First bank to launch mutual fund – SBI
👉 TPA – Third Party Administrator
👉 RBI nationalised under – Transfer of Public Ownership Act, 1948
👉 RBI regional centres – Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi
👉 Scheduled commercial banks credit limit – Rs.500000
👉 Scheduled commercial banks has to maintain their CRR up to 3% of their time.
👉 Scheduled commercial Banks CRR can go up to maximum of - 21%
👉 Public sector banks nationalised up to 19-07-1969 – 14
👉 Minimum paid up capital for private banks – 100 crore
👉 Regional rural banks established on 02-10-1975
👉 LIC established in 1956
👉 NABARD established in 1982 under act of paliment
👉 EXIM – Export and Import bank of India
👉 Exim bank passed oon 1981
👉 NHB established in 1988
👉 Minimum age to become manager in private sector banks – 21
👉 TRAI – Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
👉 Extended date for BASEL III norms – 31-03-2019
👉 FDI limit in insurance - 49%
👉 Singapore is the top in ease of doing business
👉 MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition and it has 9 character
👉 Oldest public sector bank – Allahabad bank
👉 Australia – first country to issue pure plastic notes
👉 Rate of interest determined by commercial banks
👉 India’s first non bank owned ATM (white labled ATM)in Maharashtra
👉 Largest commercial bank – SBI
👉 Demand deposit – bank deposit can be drawn without notice
👉 Currency notes must have 14 languages
👉 Multilated Notes – Notes which are in pieces of which the essential parts are missing
👉 HDFC – Housing Development Finance Corporation
👉 FCCB – Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
👉 MICR – Magnetic Ink Character recognition
👉 RBI established in 1, April 1935.
👉 WPI – Whole sale Price Index.
👉 Regulator of capital market – SEBI
👉 Capital market – in which long term securities are bought and sold
👉 When aggregate supply is less than aggregate demands is then inflation occurs.
👉 FMC – Forward Market Commission
👉 In MICR first six numbers indicates Cheque number
👉 ICICI – first bank to launch EMI facility on debit card.
👉 Financial assistance for sum of Rs.5,000 can be called as Micro finance.
👉 ICRIER – Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
👉 Fixed deposit maximum period of 10 years.
👉 First Indian bank to receive principal approval form RBI – HDFC
👉 KYC innovated by Basel committee
👉 FDI – foreign direct investment.
👉 Deflation – reduction in general level price an economy.
👉 Inflation – increase in price and fall in the purchasing value of money.
👉 FII – Foreign Institutional Investor.
👉 SEBI – statutory body
👉 Bank rate – which is levied on long term loans and advances taken by commercial banks form RBI
👉 Cash reserve ratio – amount of fund that the banks have to maintain with RBI.
👉 RBI nationalised on 1949.
👉 Maximum compensation by banking ombudsman for a complaint is Rs.10 Lakh
👉 Stael cheque – not honoured by bank
👉 N.K .Singh committee related to FDI.
👉 Smart money refers to credit cards.
👉 Home loans are a retail banking product.
👉 Merchant banking comes under existence of 1967
👉 Grindlays bank – first bank to introduce the merchant bank in India.
👉 UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
👉 SBI – first bank to receive approval of getting full bank licence in Singapore.
👉 SME – Small and Medium Enterprise
👉 CEPI – Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index.
👉 FATF – Financial Action Task Force.
👉 CGC – Credit Guarantee Corporation
👉 DICGC – Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
👉 BSBDA – Basic Saving Bank Deposit Account
👉 Bankruptcy – when publicly announces that he can not repay loans in banking language.
👉 IFSR – International Financial Reporting Standards
👉 World bank referred to International Bank of Reconstruction and Development
👉 FIMMDA – Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association
👉 GAAR – General Anti Avoidance Rules.
👉 Minimum and maximum level of RTGS – 2 lakh and No limit
👉 Bank of Hindustan – first bank established in India
👉 Bank of Hindustan established in 1770.
👉 6 banks nationalised in 1980.
👉 Central office of RBI is Kolkata. (initially established) then Mumbai
👉 RBI consists of 1 Governor and $ Deputy Governor.
👉 BFS - Board for Financial Supervision
👉 BFS constituted on November 1994.
👉 BFS chaired by Governor.
👉 NABARD – National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
👉 ARDC – Agriculture Refinance and Development Corporation.
👉 NABARD dedicated to Indira Gandhi
👉 Chairman of NABARD – Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
👉 Mumbai – NABARD head quarters.
👉 CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility.
👉 IRDAI – Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
👉 IRDAI head quarter Hyderabad.
👉 IRDAI under IRDAI Act 1999.
👉 T.S. Vijayan is the chairman of IRDAI.
👉 LIC comes in to existence of 1956.
👉 BIS – Bank for International Settlements.
👉 BIS head office Basel, Switzerland.
👉 Number of central banks are member of BIS is 60.
👉 SDR – Special Drawing Rights.
👉 General manger of BIS is Jaime Caruna
👉 GATT – General Agreement on Traffic and Trade.
👉 Number of member in WTO – 161.
👉 Food for work program is renamed as NREP.
👉 Headquarter of SIDBI is Lucknow.
👉 IRBI – Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India.
👉 IRBI was established in 1985.
👉 IMF established on 27, December 1945.
👉 IMF headquarters – Washington DC
👉 France is the first country to borrow form IMF
👉 C. Rangarajan plays the vital role in setting up NHB.
👉 2022 – NHB objective to promote slum free cities.
👉 Top 5 credit card issuer – ICICI, HDFC, SBI, Citi Bank, American Express.
👉 The term credit card first used by Edward Bellamy.
👉 NPCI – National Payment Corporation of India.
👉 Fiscal policy deals with Taxation and Expenditures.
👉 DTC – Direct Tax Code
👉 FRBM – Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management.
👉 John Adrian Shepherd Barron – inventor of ATM.
👉 ATM invented in 1967
👉 HSBC first bank to introduce the ATM at 1987.
👉 World’s highest ATM is located at Sikkim.
👉 White label ATM – ATM that does not have any bank logo.
👉 Banking ombudsman scheme was introduced by Banking Regulation Act,1949.
👉 Banking ombudsman scheme first revised in 2002.
👉 Current banking ombudsman scheme introduced in 2006.
👉 GATT was signed by 23 nations in Geneva on October 30, 1947.
👉 Headquarter of GATT Geneva, Switzerland.
👉 Number of countries in world bank 188.
👉 The main focus of IBRD and IDA is on developing countires.
👉 Renewable term for selecting world bank president – 5 years.
👉 Allahabad bank
👉 Allahabad bank – found on April 24, 1865.
👉 Head office – Kolkata.
👉 Nationalised on 19 ,July 1969.
👉 It was merged with united industrial bank limited in October 1989.
👉 In 2007 this bank’s capital first crossed 1,00,000.
👉 This bank celebrate 150th years of foundation on April 2014.
👉 Chairman and managing director – Rakesh Sethi.
👉 Orbit of large banks – because it crosses bench mark business figure Rs.300000 crore.
👉 Slogan A tradition of trust.
👉 In February 2007 Allahabad bank opened its first overseas bank in Hong Kong.
👉 CSB- Core Banking Solution.
👉 Allahabad bank operates more than 3000 branches.
👉 In march 2011 Allahabad bank implemented CBS in all branches
👉 Syndicate bank- Established on 1925.
👉 Primary objective – To extend financial assistance to the local weaver through mobilising all savings from community.
👉 Logo – Dog.
👉 MD and CEO – Arun Shrivastava.
👉 Headquarters – Manipal, Karnataka.
👉 Slogan – Your Faithful and Friendly Financial Partner.
👉 It was nationalised on 19 July, 1969.
👉 In 2010 – 11 the bank opened 135 branches.
👉 In 2009-10 – 50 branches opened.
👉Oriental bank of commerce (OBC)
👉 Founded on 19 February 1943.
👉 Headquarters – Gurgaon, Haryana.
👉 Slogan – where every individual is committed.
👉 Founded at first in Lahore.
👉 First chairman – Rai Bahadur Lala Sohan Lal (one of the founder)
👉 Nationalised on 15, april 1980.
👉 OBC amalgamated Global Trust Bank
👉 Amalgamated on 14 August 2004.
👉 MD and CEO – Anmesh Chauhan.
👉 Grameen projects- Dehradun and Hanumangarh.
👉 It has more than 530 branches in India.
👉 Punjab and Sind bank
👉 Founded on 24, June 1908.
👉 Headquarters – New Delhi.
👉 More than 600 branches in Punjab.
👉 Established on 1960.
👉 Rural bank sponsored by Punjab and sind bank is Sutlej Gramin Bank.
👉 Slogan – Where service is a way of life.
👉 Chairman – Jatinder Bir Singh.
👉 Bank of Baroda (BOB)
👉 Founded on 20 July, 1908.
👉 Under companies Act of 1897.
👉 Started with the capital of Rs. 10 Lakh
👉 Headquarter – Vadodara (Baroda)
👉 BOB ranked 801 on Forbes global 2000 list.
👉 It has more than 5300 branches in India and abroad.
👉 Slogan – India’s International Bank.
👉 Chairman – Ravi Venkatraman.
👉 Founder – Maratha Kingdom
👉 BOB’s first domestic acquisition – Hind Bank
👉 Punjab National Bank
👉 Born on May 19, 1894.
👉 Open its door to the public on 12 April 1895.
👉 Lala Lajpat Rai is the first person open the account.
👉 On March 31, 1947 PNB bank officials decided to leave Lahore.
👉 Slogan – The name you can bank upon.
👉 Founder – Lala Lajpat Rai
👉 Headquarters – New Delhi.
👉 They got Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana excellence award 2015.
👉 United bank of India
👉 Formed on 1950.
👉 It has three organisational set up.
👉 Also known as Tea Bank.
👉 Slogan The bank That Begins with ‘U’
👉 MD and CEO – P. Srinivas.
👉 Headquarter – New Delhi.
👉 Vijaya bank
👉 Founded on 23rd October 1931.
👉 Became scheduled bank in 1958.
👉 In 1963-68 there are 9 banks merged with.
👉 1701 branches, 49 extension counter and 1528 ATM.
👉 It has 3 organisational set up structure.
👉 Slogan – The Friend You can bank upon.
👉 MD and CEO – Kishore Kumar Sansi
👉 Headquarters – Bangalore.
👉 It is a medium sized public sector bank.
👉 Check card is also known as Debit card.
👉 Union Pay debit card is associated with China.
👉 Prepaid debit cards are also known as Reloadable Debit cards.
👉 The prepaid bank card is also known as Bank Gift Card.
👉 POS – Point of Sale.
👉 Canara Bank
👉 founded by Ammembai Subba Rao Pai
👉 founded on July, 1906
👉 Nationalised on July, 1969.
👉 Total 9039 ATM
👉 Chairman – T.N.Manoharan
👉 MD and CEO – Rakesh Sharma
👉 Got golden peacock business excellence award 2015.
👉 Headquarter – Bangalore
👉 Slogan – it’s easy to change for those love you, together we can.
👉 MSME banking excellence award in 2015.
👉 Opened seventh overseas branch in New York in 2014.
👉 Rupiya in our country introduced by Sher Shah Suri
👉 SME – Small and Medium Enterpraise
👉 CEPI – Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index.
👉 Crypto currency – Digital medium of exchange
👉 FATF – Financial Action Take Force
👉 India become the member of FATF in 2010.
👉 Micro credit – small credit given to poor
👉 CGC – Credit Guarantee Corporation
👉 Sugan scheme was launched for small tax payers.
👉 National Rural Employment Program was formally called as Food For Work
👉 Converting into physical form of share into electronic form is called DEMAT.
👉 Bank of Rajasthan is merged with ICICI.
👉 Lockless bank in Maharashtra UCO bank.
👉 BFS – Board of Financial Supervision
👉 Australia is the first country to issue purely plastic notes.
👉 6 more banks nationalised in 1980.
👉 ICICI kicked of online bank in 1996.

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