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Hello candidates !

Congratulations to those who have cleared the IBPS Clerks Preliminary Examination and are going to write the main examination in January 2017.

Main examination will be as follows:
b. Main Examination \

1.  Reasoning      ---   40 questions   --- 50 marks   -- 30 mins

2. English             --      do                 --  40 marks  --   30 mins

3. QA                   --         do              --   50 marks  --   30 mins

4. GA                  --          do              --   40 marks    --    25 mins

5. Computer       --             do           --     20 marks    --    20 mins

    Total               --       200 qns       --  200 marks      --  135  mins

You can see that Quants and Reasoning questions carry more marks.  For each right answer you will get 1.25 mark and for each wrong answer in these two section the candidate will lose 0.312 mark.

In the case of English and GA for each right answer the candidate will get 1 mark and for each wrong answer the candidate will lose 0.25 mark.

In Computer knowledge each right answer will fetch 0.5 mark and for each wrong answer 0.125 mark will be deducted,

Please practice online tests at least two per day.  Memorise tables upto 20, squares upto 50 and cubes upto 25,  Also memorise all the formulae like square, rectangle, circle, sphere etc.

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