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Directions: In these questions, read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in one part of the 
sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (4). (Ignore errors of 
Punctuation, if any.)
1.  Based on the newspaper reports, (1) / we can conclude that (2) / many accidents caused by reckless driving. (3) 
/No error. (4)
Ans: 1. (3) The part (3) of the given sentence must be in Passive Voice. As this part must be in the Present Tense, 
so the considering the Subject (Many accidents) we should use “are” after accidents.
2. The doctor advised Mr. Murugan that, (4)/ because of his severe cramps. (2)/ he should lay in the bed for a 
few days. (3)/ No error (4)
Ans:(3) Replace group of words ‘he should lay (V2) in the bed for a few days’ by ‘he should lie (V1) in the 
bed for a few days’.
The structure is:
Subject + Should/would + V1
For example,
He should go home now.
3. (1) When Darun heard the news that his father had been hospitalised (2) he cancelled his trip (3) and returned 
back to his village (4) No error
Ans: (3) The word Return (Verb) means: come/go back from one place to another.
Look at the sentence:
He waited a long time for me to return.
Hence, it is in correct to use ‘back’ after the word ‘return’.
4. Unless you are careful. (1)/ you are bound to make mistake (2)/ in your work. (3)/ No error (4)
Ans: (2) Here, you are bound to make a mistake/make mistakes……should be used.
5. The teacher told to (1)/ the students that (2)/ they must attend school regularly. (3)/ No error (4)
Ans: (1) It is not proper to use preposition ‘to’ after ‘tell’.
 He said to me = He told me.
6.  Prohibition aims at reducing (1)/ traffic accidents many of which (2)/ is caused by drunkenness. (3)/ No error (4)
Ans: (3) Here, antecedent is many. Hence, are caused by drunkenness…..should be used.
7.  The teacher. As well as the students. (1) have gone on an excursion (2)/ to Oooty during their summer vacation. 
(3)/ No error (4)
Ans: (2) In the subjects connected by as well as, verb agrees with the number and person of first subject. Hence, 
according to the teacher, has gone on ……should be used.
8.  Krishnakali. An early riser and a nature-lover (1)/ goes to the morning walk at Rabindra (2)/ Sarovar lake before dawn. (3)/ No error (4)
Ans: (2) Here, goes on/for a morning walk (Noun) should be used.
9.  Our success or our failure (1)/ largely depend (2)/ upon our actions. (3)/ No error (4)
Ans: (2) Singular subjects connected with ‘or’ agree with singular verb. Hence, largely depends……..should be 
used here.
10. On many occasions (1) / we did helped the poor (2) / people by way of giving them food to eat and clothes to 
put on. (3) / No error (4)
Ans: (2) To emphasize a view point Do/Does/Did are used with full verb.
Look at the sentence: He does look tired. She did at least write to say thank you. Hence, we did help the poor…….should be used here.
Directions: In these questions, a part of the sentence is given in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence, Choose the correct alterative, In case no improvement is 
needed your answer is (4).
11. We have no less than a thousand students in our College.
(1) We have not less than a thousand students in our College                                           
(2) We have no less than  thousand students in our College
(3) We have no fewer than a thousand students in our College                           
(4) No improvement
Ans: (3) Here, students is a countable Noun. Hence, ‘fewer’ should be used before it. Less is used for uncountable nouns.   
12. Dozens of phrases can be offered to describe style but perhaps the best one is : “Style – it is the man.”   
(1) but the best one is : “Style it is the man.”                                                        
(2) but perhaps the best one is : “Style is the man.”
(3) but the best one is: “Style is the man.”                                                            
(4) No improvement
Ans: (1) but the best one is : “Style it is the man.”  
13. We are credibly informed that the murderer has given himself up.
(1) We are informed that the murderer has credibly given himself up.  
(2) We are informed that the murderer has given credibly himself up.  
(3) We are informed that credibly the murderer has given up himself.                                                                          
(4) No improvement
Ans: (4) Give yourself up to somebody means: to offer yourself to be captured.
14.  Every morning I get up at 4 0’ clock, but today I get up at 7 0’ clock.   
(1) got up                                        
(2) was getting up                                    
(3) has been working                                        
(4) No improvement
Ans: (1) As it happens in Past, Simple Past tense will be used.
15.  He said that he saw him last year, to discuss the documents.   
(1) met                                            
(2) had seen                                              
(3) seen                                             
(4) No improvement
Ans: (2) As the sentence is in indirect speech Past Perfect will be used.          
16.  The qualities which have supported Tilak and given him his hard-earned success have been rare in 
Indian politics.   
(1) gave                                          
(2) had given                                             
(3) have given                                               
(4) No improvement
Ans: (1) gave     
17.  Sachin Tendulkar has completed hundred centuries, hasn’t he?   
(1) has he ?                                    
(2) isn’t it ?                                                 
(3) didn’t he ?                                                
(4) No improvement
Ans: (4) The sentence is in Present Perfect Tense (affirmative). Hence, negative question tag should be used.
18. The manager was given a holiday and so he decided to go to the hitch-hiking.   
(1) for the hitch-hiking                  
(2) for hitch-hiking                   
(3) hitch-hiking                                
(4) No improvement
Ans: (3) Hitch-hike (Verb) = to travel by asking for free rides in other people’s cars. Here, ‘for’ is not needful.
19.  The voluntary organization appealed to the people to come forward to help the victims and said that each may contribute what they can.   
(1) each may contribute what he can               
(2) each may contribute what they can             
(3) each may contribute what each one can
(4) No improvement
Ans: (1) For each Third Person Singular Pronoun Masculine gender is used.
20.  Although I was initially apprehensive, I found the eating of snails to be a rather pleasant experience.d   
(1) I ate the pleasant snail’s experience                
(2) I found the snails experienced           
(3) I found it to be a more pleasant experience
(4) No improvement
Ans: (3) I found it to be a more pleasant experience
Directions: In these questions, the sentences have been given in Active/Passive Voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice,
21.  Who taught you grammar?  
(1) By whom you were taught grammar?          
(2) By whom were you taught grammar?           
(3) By whom was grammar you taught?
(4) By whom were grammar taught to you?
Ans: (2) By whom were you taught grammar?           
22.  Someone saw him picking up a gun.  
(1) He was seen pick up a gun by someone.                                                       
(2) He was seen picking up a gun by someone       
(3) He was seen by someone when he was picking up a gun                              
(4) He was seen by someone pick a gun
Ans: (3) He was seen by someone when he was picking up a gun       
23.  An American scientist has won the Nobel Prize for Physics.  
(1) The Nobel Physics Prize has been won by an American scientist.               
(2) The Nobel Prize has been won by an American scientist.
(3) The Nobel Prize for Physics is won by an American scientist.
(4) The Nobel Prize for Physics has been won by an American scientist.
Ans: (4) The Nobel Prize for Physics has been won by an American scientist.
24.  Bipin was not told about the meeting.  
(1) Somebody did not tell Bipin about the meeting.                                     
(2) There was nobody who could tell Bipin about the meeting.
(3) Nobody told Bipin about the meeting.                                                          
(4) The meeting was not told about to Bipin.
Ans: (1) Somebody did not tell Bipin about the meeting.                 
25.  Sheela painted the house green.   
(1) The house was painted green by Sheela.                                                     
(2) The house will be painted green by Sheela.        
(3) The house is painted green by Sheela,                                                       
(4) The house has been painted green by Sheela.
Ans: (1) The house was painted green by Sheela.      
26. One should not give unsolicited advice.
(1) Unsolicited advice is not to be given.             
(2) Unsolicited advice can’t be given.                 
(3) Unsolicited advice may not be given.
(4) Unsolicited advice should not be given. 
Ans: (4) Unsolicited advice should not be given.
27.  The peon refused him admittance.
(1) He was refused admittance by the peon.                                                      
(2) Admittance is refused to him by the peon. 
(3) Admittance was refused by the peon to him.                                              
(4) Admittance is refused him by the peon.
Ans: (1) He was refused admittance by the peon.      
28.  Someone saw him picking up a gun.
(1) He was seen pick up a gun by someone                                                                      
(2) He was seen picking up a gun               
(3) He was seen when he was picking up a gun                                                  
(4) He was seen by someone pick a gun
Ans: (2) He was seen picking up a gun     
29.  The boys elected Mohan captain.
(1) The boys were elected captain by Mohan.                                                   
(2) Mohan is elected captain by the boys   
(3) Mohan was elected captain by the boys.                                                      
(4) Mohan and the boys elected the captain.
Ans: (3) Mohan was elected captain by the boys.             
30.  By now the winners will have been felicitated.      
(1) They will felicitate the winners now.                                                              
(2) They have felicitated the winners now.              
(3) They will have been felicitated the winners now.                                         
(4) They will have felicitated the winners now.
Ans: (4) They will have felicitated the winners now.

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