(With Special Reference to
Banking Industry)
1. Which of the following is
also known as policy rate?
a) Bank Rate b) Repo
Rate c) Reverse Repo Rate d) All of the above e) None of the above
2. Which of the following is a foreign
a) HDFC Bank b) ICICI Bank c) Yes Bank
d) Standard Chartered Bank
e) Syndicate Bank
3. Whenever a bank returns a cheque
unpaid, them what that cheque is called?
a) Honour cheque b) Returned cheque c) Dishonour
cheque d) Application cheque
e) None of these
4. Which is the third largest public
sector bank of India?
a) Punjab National Bank (PNB) b) Bank of Baroda c) State Bank of India
d) Allahabad Bank e) None of these
5. What does ASBA stand for ?
a) Application Support by
Blocking Amount b) Application Specific
for Banking Accounts
c) Saving Accounts Banking
Application d) Application Supported by Blocked Amount
e) None of these
6. What will happen if there is an
increase in Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)?
a) There will be a decrease in lendable resources
b) There will be an increase
in lendable resources c) Liquidity will
be increased in market
d) Banks will give more loans
to customers e) None of these
7. In which year, RBI announced banking
Ombudsman scheme?
a) 1992 b) 1885
c) 1995 d) 1990
e) None of these
8. What is the percentage of Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) in private sector bank?
a) 51% b) 74% c) 49%
d) 50% e) None of these
9. How many directors are associated
with RBI?
a) 15 b) 20 c) 10
d) 4 e) None of these
10. Which policy is adopted by RBI
during inflation?
a) Near money policy b) Close money policy c) Hard money policy d)
Dear money policy
e) None of these
11. Which negotiable instrument can be
crossed to bank?
a) Cheque b) Bill
of Exchange c) Certificate of
deposits d) Commercial papers
e) None of these
12. Money laundering refers to which of
the following?
a) Conversion of assets into
cash b) Conversion of money which is illegally obtained
c) Conversion of cash into
gold d) Conversion of gold into cash
e) Conversion of shares into
13. The Reserve Bank of India issues:
a) All the currency
notes b) All the currency notes except the one rupee note
c) All the currency notes
except the hundred rupee note d) Only
notes of 10 and above
e) None of these
14. RBI does not transact the business
of which of the following State Government?
a) Nagaland b) Delhi
c) Jammu and Kashmir d) Sikkim
e) None of these
15. The first Indian bank to open branch
outside India in London in 1946:
a) Bank of Baroda b) Central Bank of India c) State Bank of India d) Bank
of India
e) None of these
16. What is HOT money?
a) NRI deposits b) 1000
above notes c) Industrial money d) Money easily available
e) None of these
17. Which of the following is the
objective for amendment to the Indian Postal Act, 1898?
a) Courier companies shall be
monitored by the Postal Department
b) Courier companies will do
every post c) It will enlarge the role of courier
d) All documents weighing less than 300 gm will have to go through
post and cannot be couriered
e) None of these
18. Euro bond is an instrument:
a) issued in the European
market b) issued on the euro currency
c) issued in a currency other than the currency of the country d) All of these
e) None of these
19. National income estimates in India
are prepared by :
a) Finance Ministry b) Central
Statistical Organization c) Statistical
d) National Development
Council e) None of these
20. The RBI has prescribed that all SCBs
should maintain their SLR in :
a) Dated securities notified
by RBI b) T-Bills of Government of India
c) State Development Loans d) All
of the above e) None of the above
21. The first private bank in India to
receive an in-principle approval from the RBI?
a) ICICI b) HDFC c) Axis Bank d) IDBI
e) None of these
22. The Narasimham Committee for
financial sector reforms suggested reduction in :
i) SLR and CLR ii) SLR, CRR and priority sector lending iii) SLR and financing to capital goods
Which of the following
options is correct?
a) ii) and iii) b) i) and iii) c) Only
iii) d) only i) e) None of these
23. Which of the following is a stable
a) A cheque issued without
drawer’s signature b) A cheque issued
with drawer’s signature
c) A cheque which has completed three months from its date of issue
d) A six months post dated
cheque e) Any one of the above
24. The “No Frill accounts” facility
provided by banks is aimed at which of the following categories of people?
a) Corporate world b) Senior citizens c) Current account holder d) Poor
e) Government people
25. Which of the following is treated as
artificial currency?
a) ADR b) GDR
c) SDR d) Equity shares e) Both ADR and SDR
26. EFT stands for :
a) Effective Fund
Transfer b) Efficient Funds
Transfer c) Easy Fund Transfer
d) Electronic Fund Transfer e) None of these
27. What are White Label Automated
Teller Machines?
a) ATMs to be set-up in
unbanked sectors b) ATM for credit
c) ATM owned and operated by non banking entities
d) Biometric ATMs for
uneducated people e) None of these
28. The headquarters of World Bank is
Washington DC b) London
c) Paris d) Geneva e) None of these
29. As we all know that banks in India
are required to maintain a portion of their demand and time liabilities with
the Reserve Bank of India. This portion is called :
a) SLR b) Bank Deposit c) Reverse Repo d) CRR e) None of these
30. In India, the National Income is measured
on the basis of :
a) Flow of goods only b) Number of employed youth only
c) Earning of people working in PSUs and government jobs
d) Volume of tax collected
per annum e) None of these
31. Which of the following economic
concept is categorized on the basis of current account or capital account or
a) Balance of Payment b) Value of the Food grain Stock of a
c) Gross National Product d) Gross National Income e) None of these
32. Which of the following act is/was
introduced for the purpose of sustainable growth?
a) Narcotics and Psychotropic
Substance Act b) Foreign Exchange Management Act
c) Banking Regulation
Act d) Prevention of Money Laundering
Act e) None of these
33. Sometimes we see a reference of
“Least Developed Country” in the economic journals / papers etc. Which among
the following is one of the parameters on the basis of which a country in
economic parlance is labeled “Least Developed”?
a) Those countries having
instability in agriculture/industrial production.
b) Huge losses due to natural
disasters resulting in displacement of people in majority
c) No change in government in
last ten years as general elections did not take place
d) Low per capita income e) None of these
34. IAEA is an organization which
functions in the area of :
a) Prevention of money
laundering b) Control of foreign direct
investment c) Nuclear energy
d) Terrorist control e) None of these
35. Which of the following organizations
is established mainly to promote micro, small and medium industrial sector in
d) EXIM BANK e) None of these
36. What does the term “AAY” denote
which is the short form of social scheme launched by the Government of India?
a) Antodaya Awas Yojana b) Asian Awas Yojana c) Antodaya
Anna Yojana
d) Area Antodaya Yojana e) None of these
37. Which of the following acts help a
bank in its day to day activities?
a) Competition Act b) Negotiable
Instrument Act c) Hindus Marriage
d) Hindus Succession Act e) None of these
38. Which of the following is not asset
of a bank?
a) Notes and Small Coins b) Short-term Loans c) Staff Advances
d) Overdue Recurring Deposits e) None of these
39. The base rate is set by which of the
following organizations/institutions?
a) Individual Bank b) Government of India c) Reserve Bank of India d) State Bank of India
e) None of these
40. The banking company has restriction
to sanction loan to :
a) Staff working in the
bank b) RBI staff c) Director
of the bank d) All of the above
e) None of the above
1. a) Bank rate is, also known as policy
rate, the interest rate at which a nation’s central bank lends money to
domestic banks. Often these loans are very short in duration. Managing the bank
rate is a preferred method by which central banks can regulate the level of
economic activity.
2. d)
3. c) Dishonour cheque-A cheque which
the bank will not pay because there is not enough money in the account to pay
4. a) Ist
– State Bank of India
– Bank of Baroda
5. d) ASBA (Applications Supported by
Blocked Amount) is a process developed by the India’s Stock Market Regulator
SEBI for applying to IPO. In ASBA, an IPO applicant’s account doesn’t get
debited until shares are allotted to them.
6. a) Cash Reserve Ratio is a specified
minimum fraction of the total deposits of customers, which commercial banks
have to hold as reserves with the central bank.
7. c) The Banking Ombudsman Scheme
enables and expeditious and inexpensive forum to bank customers for resolution
of complaints relating to certain
services rendered by banks. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme is introduced under
Section 35 A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI with effect from 1995.
8. b) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is
an investment in a business by an investor from another country for which the
foreign investor has control over the company purchased. The Organization of
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines control as owning 10% or
more of the business.
9. a)
10. d) A policy in which a government
reduces the amount of money being spent in an economy by raising interest
rates, making it more expensive to borrow money.
11. b) A negotiable instrument is a
document guaranteeing the payment of a specific amount of money, either on
demand, or at a set time, with the payer named on the document.
12. b) Money laundering is the process
in which the proceeds of crime are transformed into ostensibly legitimate money
or other assets.
13. b) 14.
c) 15. d)
16. a) NRI deposits come under hot
money. Money that flows regularly between financial markets as investors
attempt to ensure they get the highest short-term interest rates possible. Hot
money will flow from low interest rate yielding countries into higher interest
rates countries by investors looking to make the highest return. These
financial transfers could affect the exchange rate if the sum is high enough
and can therefore impact the balance of payments.
17. d)
18. c) A bond issued in a currency other
than the currency of the country or market in which it is issued. Eurobonds are
attractive financing tools as they give issuers the flexibility to choose the
country in which to offer their bond according to the country’s regulatory
19. b) National income is the total
value a country’s final output of all new goods and services produced in one
year. Understanding how national income is created is the starting point for
20. d) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
is the Indian government term for reserve requirement that the commercial banks
in India require to maintain in the form of gold, cash or government approved
securities before providing credit to the customers.
21. b)
22. d) Only in SLR and CRR.
SLR-Statutory liquidity ratio is the Indian government term for reserve
requirement that the commercial banks in India require to maintain in the form
of gold, cash or government approved securities before providing credit to the
CRR-Cash Reserve Ratio is a specified
minimum fraction of the total deposits of customers, which commercial banks
have to hold as reserves with the central bank.
23. c) A cheque which a bank will not
accept and exchange for money or payment because it was written more than a
certain number of months ago.
24. d) No frill accounts are for poor
people. Banks were advised in November 2005 to make available a basic banking
‘No-frills’ account either with ‘nil’ or very low minimum balance as well as
charges that would make such accounts accessible to vast sections of population.
25. c) Special Drawing Rights is treated
as artificial currency. A currency that does not circulate and is used for
accounting purposes only.
26. d) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) is
the electronic exchange, transfer of money from one account to another, either
within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, through
computer-based systems.
27. c) White Label Automated Teller
Machines-When ATMs are owned and operated by non-bank entities but they are not
doing ‘outsourcing-contract’ from a particular bank.
28. a)
29. d) CRR-Cash Reserve Ratio
It is only in form of cash. It is not
refundable. Cash Reserve Ratio is a specified minimum fraction of the total
deposits of customers, which commercial banks have to hold as reserves with the
central bank.
30. c) National income is the total
value a country’s final output of all new goods and services produced in one
year. Understanding how national income is created is the starting point for
31. a) Current Account-An account with a
bank or building society from which money may be withdrawn without notice,
typically an active account catering for frequent deposits and withdrawals by
Capital account-The capital account is
the net result of public and private international investments flowing in and
out of a country. May also refer to an account showing the net worth of a
business at a specific point in time.
32. b) FEMA-An Act to consolidate and
amend the law relating to foreign exchange with the objective of facilitating
external trade and payments and for promoting the orderly development and
maintenance of foreign exchange market in India.
33. c)
34. c) IAEA-International Atomic Energy
Agency. Its headquarters is in Vienna, Australia. The International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the
peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military
purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous
organization on 29th July, 1957.
35. b)
36. c) AAY-Antodaya Anna Yojana.
Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) is an Indian government sponsored scheme for ten
million of the poorest families. It was launched by NDA government in December
2000. It is on the lookout for the ‘poorest of the poor’ by providing them 35
kilograms of rice and wheat at
3 &
2 per kg. respectively.

37. b)
38. d)
39. a)
40. c)
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