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* HDFC is which type of company?   - General Regulating Body
*The SBI launched minor account for children above 10 years, named as   - Pehli Udaan
* What is the full form of IFSC?   - Indian Financial System Code
* Interest on savings account is calculated on   - Daily Basis
* Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Jio Infocomm has launched digital wallet service for Indian consumers. What is the name of that service?   - JioMoney Wallet
* The mutual funds in India follow accounting standards laid by the    - SEBI
* Which Bank has launched country’s first contactless business credit card in association with Jet Airways for Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs)?   - ICICI Bank
* The full form of GAAR is   - General Anti Avoidance Rules
* The Bank which refinance the loans given to poor and weaker sections to construct or buy house is   - National Housing Bank (NHB)
* AMFI stands for    - Association of Mutual Funds in India
* ‘Honours Your Trust’ is slogan of   - UCO Bank
* Which year was declared as the ‘International Year of Micro Credit’ by United Nations? – 2005
* Crypto-Currency is   - Digital Medium of Exchange
* The Reserve Bank of India was set-up on the recommendation of   - Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance
* NBFC deals in   - Providing Banking Services
* The headquarter of National Housing Bank is situated at    - New Delhi
* Name of the first bank to receive approval for getting full bank licence in Singapore is   - State Bank of India
* ‘Rupiya’ in our country was introduced by   - Sher Shah Suri
* The ‘food for work’ programme was renamed as   - National Rural Employment Programme
* In a company, the use of sensitive corporate information by the company people to make gains or cover loss known as   - Insider Trading
* ‘Swabhiman’ the financial inclusion scheme, comes under the preview of   - Ministry of Finance
* India become the member of FATF in   - 2010
* The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securities Interest (SARFAESI) Act means recovery of loans which have become NPA, is not applicable to   - Non-Banking Financial Companies
* Which State has declared a ban on the use of plastic in the State for first time?   - Gujarat
* Name of the commission which distributes the taxes between Centre and States.   – Finance Commission
* When there is a difference between all receipts and expenditures of the government of India both capital and revenue, it is called   - Budgetary deficit
* Largest public sector bank in India is   - State Bank of India
* Loan taken by the person not telling the purpose of taking loan is called.   – Personal Loan
* In India, all external payments are channeled through the   - RBI
* Merchants bank do not deals in   - Regular Banking Services to General Public
* Which of the committee was related to foreign direct investment?   - NK Singh Committee
* Sugam scheme was launched for    - Small Tax Payers
* A stock market is also called   - Equity Market
* Dalal Street is synonymous for which stock exchange?   - Bombay Stock Exchange
* This record is sent back to the brokerage firm   - Tape
* On recommendation of the which committee, SEBI was given the power to control and regulate the new issues market as well as stock exchange?   - Narasimhan Committee
* What is the number of stock exchange in country?   - 22
* Sale or purchase of securities undertaken with long-term prospect relating to their yield and price, is known as   - Investment Transaction
* Which is Asia’s first stock exchange?   - Bombay Stock Exchange
* On the recommendation of which committee National Stock Exchange was incorporated in India?   - Pherwani Committee
* Wholesale debt categories trading is done in which stock exchange?   - National Stock Exchange
* Which of the institute has the sole right of issuing paper notes in India?   - Reserve Bank of India
* Regulatory of capital market is   - SEBI
* What kind of body is SEBI?   - Statutory Body
* Out of projects/reserves, money given by company to its shareholders is   - Dividend
* Which is known as Barometer of Indian capital market?   -SENSEX
* Which bank rate is used as a global benchmark interest rate by many banks around the world?   - LIBOR
* Two new saving bank products for children namely ‘Pehla Kadam’ and ‘Pehli Udaan’ introduced by   - State Bank of India
* Regulatory authority for Regional Rural Bank is   - RBI and NABARD
* ‘Bank of Rajasthan’ merged with which bank?   - ICICI Bank
* Maximum age for retirement for MD/CEO of all private banks is   - 70 years
* The Union government has approved a proposal of which company to set-up an IT/ITeS Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Bengaluru, Karnataka in an area spread over 4 hectares?   - Infosys
* The Private sector bank, which launched Facebook based instant fund transfer service to enable users to send money to friends on social medial network, is   - Kotak Mahindra Bank
* Apex institution which handles refinance for agriculture and rural development in India   - NABARD
* IT company which will set-up local data centres in India by the end of 2015?   - Microsoft
* First multi-currency international debit card was issued in India by   - State Bank of India
* Which bank opened a lockless branch at Maharashtra to respecting the local customers?   - UCO Bank
* Which was the first bank to set-up talking ATM in India    - Union Bank of India
* Which of the first two Indian banks allowed to open branches in Pakistan in August, 2012?   - SBI and Bank of India
* To solve the problems of balance of payments of member countries, is the Function of   - IMF
* UTI officially changed into   - Axis Bank
* Who will set-up core banking infrastructure for rural banks?   - NABARD
* The private sector bank which recently allowed children above 10 years to open saving bank accounts after SBI is   - ICICI Bank
* Bharatiya Mahila Bank Limited on November 19, 2014 launched its interest banking facility. Name of it is   - BMB Smart Banking
* The merchant banking activities in India are governed by which bodies?   - SEBI
* SAARC is an agency of United Nations. True or False   - False
* Which one of the leading, nationalized bank in 2012 celebrated its 147th year of dedicated service to the nation and has introduced interactive voice response?   - Allahabad Bank
* When ATM installed in the bank, is out of order, it is called   - Operational Risk
* Who is the CEO of NITI Aayog?   - Sindhushri Khullar
* Index of Industrial Production (IIP) was released by   - Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
* First bank in India to launch EMI facility on debit cards   - ICICI Bank
* Government’s revenue and expenditure is called   - Public Finance
* What is compulsory payment by the citizen to the government to meet public expenditure?   - Tax Revenue
* Which tax is borne by the person on whom it is levied?   - Direct Tax
* Which tax is levied on book profit?   - MAT
* The code proposed by the UPA government to consolidate the law relating to the direct taxes   - Direct Tax Code
* Which tax is extended to non-company assets?   - AMT
* What is paid by the RBI to the States, banking with its, to help them to tide over temporary mismatches in the cash flow of their receipt and payments?   - Ways and Means Advances
* Which tax is levied on the value of the product and consumption only?   - Value Added Tax
* Which tax is levied based on value and not on weight or quantity?   - Ad Valorem
* Which commission increased the share of States in central taxes to 42%?   - 14th Finance Commission
* TRIPS and TRIMS are associated with which organization?   - WTO
* Headquarters of World Bank is located at   - Washington DC
* Which International Inter-government body responsible for setting global standards for anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism?   - Financial Action Task Force (FATM)
* Who issues the Global Economic Prospects Report periodically?   - World Bank
* Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established by recommendation of which commission?   - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
* Where was SAFTA signed?   - 12th SAARC Summit
* Who coined term BRICS?   - Jim O’Neill
* Which organization emerged with the League of Nations from the Treaty of Versailles?   - International Labour Organisation
* Where is the headquarters of International Finance Corporation?   - Washington DC
* CRISIL is a   - Credit Rating Agency
* Which bank launched campus wallet on April 12, 2016?   - Federal Bank
* Foreign exchange derivative between two institutions to exchange the principal and/or interest payments of a loan in one currency for equivalent amounts in net present value term is   - Currency Swap
* Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) was launched in   - 1975
* What is India ranking on Global Connectivity Index 2016?   - 44th
* Which was the first Indian bank opened the branch outside India at London in 1946?   - Bank of India
* Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana was launched in    - August, 2007
* The reserves which can act as liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times are   - CRR and SLR
* Who is on the top bank in Ease of Doing Business 2014 report by World Bank?  - Singapore
* India’s first non-bank owned ATM (white label ATMs) opened in    - Maharashtra
* The President of World Bank is   - Dr. Jim Yong Kim

* The name of the portal to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities is   - eNAM.
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