The Government
and the citizenry need to work in tandem in order to eradicate the
inconsistencies of our society and cleanse the society of all the mischiefs.
India society
traces its origin to the earliest time going back to more than 4000 years. History has proved beyond doubt that Indian
civilization was highly developed and technically more advanced than its
counterparts. The Greeks, Huns, Turks,
Afghans, Mughals and others not only left an impact on our culture but were
also influenced by our culture. The real
dilemma however cropped up with the arrival of the British who came to rule
over India with the primary objective of economic exploitation. Since then what has emerged today is a
society, complex and contradictory.
Rooted in spirituality yet giving way to materialistic attitudes that
are downright unethical, voicing its commitment to scientific temper, yet faith
in miracles and mystical continuing to be ardently nourished; equality among
the various groups of people being vouch saved by the constitution and yet with
the political set up itself exploiting the caste hierarchy.
Social change in
any society is a gradual process and is inevitable. When these changes creep in gradually the
society has the inbuilt mechanism to assimilate them, without any whisper of
conflicts. But when the changes are
rapid, their pace uncontrolled and their direction unregulated, these changes
attempt to blow the very roots of the society.
Indian society faces a similar situation today.
In a general
way, social conflict and growth of knowledge given rise to social change. However there have been diverse factors for
social change in India. These inter alia
include demography, urbanization, industrialization, scientific progress,
sanskritisation, laws and political factors.
Family, the
backbone of the society, has undergone profound changes. Nuclear families have been replacing joint
families in urban and semi-urban centres.
The modern youth today is perplexed and directionless. In an attempt to imitate the West, he has
drifted away from familial ties. They
wish for independence, privacy and space.
Generation gap between two successive generation has widened. There has been a rapid increase in
consumerism resulting in cash crunch which has compelled the youth towards
committing petty crimes like theft, robbery, dacoit etc. Increase in unemployment, particularly
educated unemployment, has led to shimmering discontent and therefore juvenile
inequality and abolition of caste discrimination looks better in books and
speeches than in reality. Untouchability
Prohibition Acts were brought but still the Dalits in the country are paraded
naked for marrying an upper caste.
Social inequalities seem to fade with urbanization and mobility and mass
transport system. This has however not
yielded the intended result possibly because the politicization of caste for
election and other political interests is leading to a stronger demarcation
between people of various castes.
The Scheme and
structure of education has also changed.
From the Ashram system of education during Vedic times, we have entered
in the era of public school and mushrooming of private professional
institutions of higher education, whose doors are opened only for the few
privileged, born with a silver spoon in their month. The literacy rate has gone up. There is a much increased number of graduates
and post graduates but what could be worse that the fact that even they have to
struggle to earn a square meal. In the
era of liberalization there is an abundance of job for the youth who have
acquired English education. A simple
intermediate employed in call centre is earning more than a post graduate or
even a doctorate degree holder devoid of fluent English with polished accent.
changes in family structure, there has been a change in the attitude to work
and a revamping of the traditional male-female role. The view that women as a class are inferior
to men is slowly changing. Women have
stepped out of the walls to give a matching contribution in the society. We have women like Indra Nooyi, Vidya Chhabria,
Susmita Sen etc., Yet the face of the
rural woman is dark and gloomy. Brides are still burnt and the permission to
the married women to work is considered as a privilege and not a right. In the name of nurturing their family, women
at the highest position like doctor, engineer etc. are confined within the four
social change has burdened the women further, for in most cases, the change has
been superficial, without the accompaniment of the basic thought
transformation. For instance, though the
women’s economic independence is acknowledged, she is expected to hand over her
salary to her husband or in laws even in the most modern family. She still
sweats it out singly on the domestic scene and this is worsening her
predicament. A study reveals that a man
works on an average of around 50 hours in a week while the women work for over
100 hours in a week. Though women in job are preferred, but only for the post
of receptionists and other front office jobs where their glamour and beauty may
be sold conveniently. At workplace, she
is often subjected to sexual harassment. The negative influence of the mass
media has contributed towards the increase in the number of incidents of
eve-teasing, molestation and physical assaults on women.
offences are on the rise and our universities and colleges are increasingly
becoming the training grounds for crimes and gang fights. Students indulge in drug abuse and sexual
corruptness. The much modern youth has
lost the concern for morality and respect for the traditional values. Showing restrain is thought to be sign of orthodoxy
and backwardness.
It is true that
employment, literacy, etc has gone up.
Opportunities have widened, religious dogmas have reduced, and social
rigidities have narrowed down. But on
the other hand, nepotism and corruption have grown. The wave of frauds and scams at the highest
political and bureaucratic levels have exposed the hollowness of our entire
system. The disgruntled condition of the
youth has made them vulnerable to exploitation by politicians and anti-social
elements. The disgruntled youth have contributed towards the spread of unrest
in the society. Communal disharmony has
been on the rise despite increase awareness and education.
innovations have changed even the common man’s way of life. Gas stoves and biogas lighting have brought
different feel to villages. There was a
time when crossing the seas was considered a sin. Today, we witness not only the affluent jet
setting all around the globe but even personal voyages to the space. With distance being reduced through
development of infrastructural facilities like roads, rails, telecommunication
etc., the latitude of awareness of an average Indian has increased. The exposure to Occidental culture-though not
always beneficial has served to open the Indian minds to receive new ideas and
views which have certainly influenced the way of life.
Thus having
looked into the complete picture, it can be clearly said that Indian society,
as we see today is a mix of conflicts and contradictions. It is still in the age of evolution and
change. Many good things are existing
but the worsts have also crept in. We as
the, citizens, are therefore, reminded of our duty consolidate and strengthen
the situation. We should learn from the
experiences of other countries rather than emulating them. The government and the citizenry need to work
in tandem in order to eradicate the inconsistencies of our society and cleanse
the society of all the mischiefs. Youth
and media therefore have a special role to play in this pursuit. Let us therefore stand together, join hands
and stand working incessantly to make the Indian society the best on the globe.
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