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Success Story - Djoko (RBI Assistant)---

Success Story - Djoko (RBI Assistant)

ક્યારે વિચાર્યુ ન હતુ ક મારી સફળતાની વાર્તા BA ઉપર વંચાસે .......!!  HA ! Just kidding ..! Heyo guys Djoko (a.k.a Courage) here finally this cowardly dog has shown some courage ! Selected as RBI Assistant - 2014 & this is my success story after so many unsuccessful years (since school time) !

Right from my school days I still remember I was always an average or rather below average guy never topped in anything but I was attracted to these debates & event hosting things. As the level of study started to raise the bar in school my marks decided to take a dip & maintained a cordial relation with 35 level mark. With all my hard work of not studying & careless attitude (which I still have)  finally paid of in XIIth. Failed in two subjects & my dad told me "Remember from now on Djoko, we are just two guys living under the same roof!! Feeling disgraced to be your dad!!" I didn't feel bad about what he said  because this was not the first time I let him down in front of everyone. I failed not only in exams but also to become an ideal son (some other past incidents) for him. He thinks in that way ke wo 4 log kya kahenge? & what about relatives wo kya sochenge? (concerned more about what society will say) while I never cared about those relative's opinions & thoughts !

Fortunately cleared my graduation with mere 61% but still remember that day my dad was celebrating like that i topped the university & was calling everybody & saying bachaa engineer ho gaya ! (my son become an engineer). For me seeing the happiness on their faces was the biggest achievement of my life & from that day Djoko turned his approach, changed its attitude towards life, career & everything.

~ How I met BA !
Still remember that day it was May summer noon time there were few clouds in the sky, bright sun shine, breeze was blowing & I was searching for some marketing materials & all of sudden I found a link it was like BA Marketing Capsule. I clicked on it & from that day my life changed & I started following BA. Earlier I used to be a Silent reader then gradually started exploring BA found gems like you all & one and only Madam Shruti (a.k.a Muriel, Your Highness).

~ Plans, Preparations & Exams :-
My first exam was SBI PO & I just prepared few S.I & C.I sums, simplifications & tables thinking that it will be not that tough & I will cop with it easily. When the paper appeared & I saw the DI section, I still remember that i took me 50 mins to solve 3 DI questions because every time I saw 8-10 digit no on screen it took 2-5 mins to just write that on rough sheet. Overall I attempted 63 questions in the paper & even asked the invigilator that I don't want to sit in descriptive session (obviously he didn't allowed me to go & said tumhare jaise bahot ate hai exam dene). After that i started practicing continuously for quant section like 10-12 hours a day make all the possible short cut tricks for every type of question, quicker calculations or you can say eco-friendly calculation (no paper). Everyday started giving 2 online tests, solved all the previous papers & continue this routine for almost 2 months & then appeared for RBI Grade-B which was like civil service exam in banking sector. I didn't cleared it by 4 marks in GA section but that gave me the confidence that yes now i can perform well in clerk, po level exams but then again i failed in SIDBI. After that i never looked back & cleared SBI CLERK, RBI Assistant, RRB, IBPS PO & Postal Assistant.

~Myths : 
We all have that feeling those who are from engineering background has advantage over others in Quant section, which is not true as engineering maths is completely different from what we all studied during school time. All the quant topics coming in bank exams were upto Xth level which is same for everyone so those who are saying that they have some disadvantages because they have some other background in particular field is completely ill logical.

~RBI- An epic tale !
It was 23rd of September when i gave the exam. I attempted around 162-165 questions with accuracy 97.39 % & had faith on my fellow Gujju people that the cut off would be around 145-150.

Result declared on Diwali & the best feeling was to see your Roll no in the PDF ! Guess what Gujju people never disappoint you cut off was 150 & i scored 154 ! 

Finally 11th November was set as my date with few oldies ! All I hate was the written part of recruitment process which I fortunately cleared it so was confident about interview as I think this is the only area where I don't need any preparation! Interview went awesome it was for around 20 mins & they found my answer pretty much funny especially the lady. One question I remember was:

Lady : You are consistently poor in your studies right from school time, any particular reason for that?

Djoko : Mam because those school guys never asked me about RBI policies ! [she just can't stop laughing but 1 oldy didn't like it & said answer it properly]

~Interview Tips: (Personal opinion)
 Be Different : I don't believe in following orthodox rules like wear light coloured shirt & black paint, act decently & whatever. I was wearing dark blue shirt with white trousers & dotted tie ! 

Keep it Real : Please don't fake it, if you don't know it !

Play with utmost confidence : Even if you don't know any answer just reply them No with a smile because that's why God has given the power of smile to Human only !

Result came on 1st January morning I was sleeping because partying since 30th night ! Actually my dad told me that the result declared & when I saw 1580301580 in the list can't stop jumping & shouting with joy !

Sometimes it is good to see crying faces of your parents ! 

I got the best gift - My dad's hug which matters a lot to me !

I always believe that दिन तो सबके आते है हमारा तो ज़माना आयेगा & finally it came !

Thanks a lot BA & all BAers you guys helped me a lot ! Those BA Capsules, Quizzes (which i always copy from others), motivational articles will always remember ! For me Madam Shruti (a.k.a Muriel) is always greater than BA !

Muriel it is you who turned this Coward Courage into Competitive Courage ! This life of Djoko owes you big time !
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