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1. NABARD- National Bank for Agricultural & Rural Development
2. RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement
3. NEFT- National Electronic Fund Transfer
4. NAV- Net Asset Value
5. NPA- Non Performing Asset
6. ASBA- Account Supported by Blocked Amount
7. BIFR- Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
8. CAMELS- Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, Systems & Controls
9. BCSBI- Banking Codes & Standard Board of India
10. BIS – Bank for International Settlement
11. BCBS – Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
12. BOP- Balance of Payment
13. BOT- Balance of Trade
14. BPLR – Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
15. CCIL – Clearing Corporation of India Ltd.
16. CIBIL- Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd.
17. CRISIL- Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd.
18. CBLO- Collateralised Borrowing & Lending Obligation
19. CPI- Consumer Price Index
20. ADR – American Depository Receipts
21. GDR – Global Depository Receipts
22. ALM- Asset Liability Management
23. ARC – Asset Reconstruction Companies
24. FINO- Financial Inclusion Network Operation
25. CTT- Commodities Transaction Tax
26. CRM- Customer Relationship Management
27. KYC-Know Your Customer
28. SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio
29. CRR-Cash Reserve Ratio
30. MSF-Marginal Standing Facility
31. REPO-Repurchase Option
32. NBFC-Non Banking Finance Companies
33. OSMOS- Off-Site Monitoring & Surveillance
34. IFSC- Indian Financial System Code
35. BSE-Bombay Stock Exchange
36. NSE-National Stock Exchange
37. SWIFT- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
38. FSLRC – Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
39. LAF – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
40. DRT – Debt Recovery Tribunals
41. CBS Core Banking Solution
42. CRAR Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
43. DEAF Depositor Education and Awareness Fund
44. ECB External Commercial Borrowings
45. EEFC Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
46. FRBMA Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
47. FSLRC Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
48. GIRO Government Internal Revenue Order
49. ITEs Intra-Group Transactions and Exposures
50. LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
51. LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
52. LIBOR London Inter-Bank Offer Rate
53. LRMT Liquidity risk monitoring tools
54. MIBOR Mumbai Inter-Bank Offer Rate
55. NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
56. SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
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