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General Awareness (with Special Reference to Banking Industry)


: General Awareness
(with Special Reference to Banking Industry)

141.  The Union govt declared Polavaram a national project recently. This decision paved the
         Way for transfer of 136 villages from Telangana to which of the following states?
          a) Seemandhra (successor of Andhra Pradesh)
          b) Tamil Nadu
          c) Karnataka
          d) Odisha
          e) None of these
142.  Abdel Fattah al-Sisi won a landslide victory in the presidential polls held in which of the
         following countries recently?
          a) Thailand         b) Philippines        c) Egypt       d) Libya      e) None of these
143.  Pakistan has said to grant India the status of NDMA to facilitate enhanced bilateral trade
          What does NDMA stands for?
          a) Non-Discursive Market Access
          b) Non-Discriminatory Market Access
          c) National Direct Market Access
          d) Non-Divisive Market Access
          e) None of these
144.  Seen as Russia’s answer to the European Union, an agreement was signed to set up
          Eurasian Union in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, recently. Which of the following
          statements is/are NOT correct in this regard?
           a)  Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are the founding numbers of the new bloc.
           b)  The Eurasian Economic Union will come into force on Jan 1, 2015.
           c)  It will create a market of 170 mm people, combined annual GDP of $2.7 in and
                a quarter of the world energy resources.
           d)  Ukraine, the second largest economy of the erstwhile Soviet Union, too has agreed
                 to join the bloc.
            e)  None of these.
145.  The Indian economy expanded at what per cent during the period 2013 -14 per the official
         data released by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) recently?
          a) 4.3 per cent       b) 4.5 per cent       c) 4.7 per cent         d) 4.9 percent      e) 5 per cent
146.  The theory of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is associated with which of the following?
          a) Exchange Rate         b) Interest Rate     c) Bank Rate       
          d) Wage Rate               e) None of these
147.  According to the information provided by Sri Lanka govt recently, which of the following
         countries has emerged as the biggest source of Sri Lankan imports as of now?
          a) UK        b) US          c) Singapore            d) China                e) India
148.  In one of the biggest-ever deals in the Indian media sector, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)
          Has announced to acquire controlling stake in which of the following media houses for
          .4, 000 cr?
          a) India TV      b) TV Today Network       c) Network 18 Group       
          d) NDTV          e) None of these  
149.  Which of the following countries has announced to start a USD 5 –bn anti-terrorism
          Partnership fund, recently? The fund will be used to help train other countries to take
          on rising extremism.
          a) Russia     b) China       c) Japan       d) US         e) Germany
150.  The Reserve Bank of India announced its bi-monthly policy review on 3rd Jun. Which of
          the following is correct in the regard?
          a) Repo rate – 8 per cent                   b) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) – 4 per cent
          c) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) – 23 per cent        
         d) Only (a) and (b)  
         e) Only (b) and (c)
151.  Name the Chinese Foreign Minister who is scheduled to arrive in New Delhi on June 8 as a
          special envoy of his govt to formally establish contacts with the new govt in India.
          a) Li Yuanchao         b) Wang Yi     c) Yang Jiechi       d) None of these
152.  The govt has to promulgate an ordinance to appoint Nripendra Misra as the Principal
         Secretary to the Prime Minister recently. His previous appointment as the chairman of
         Which of the following regulators was prohibiting him from accepting a govt post?
          a) SEBI             b) CCI        c) TRAI            d) IRDA              e) None of these
153.  The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has cleared purchase of a 50 per cent stake in
        Tata Group firm Trent Hypermarket by which of the following global retailers recently?
         It is the first FDI transaction in multi-brand retail since the sector was opened up in 2012.
         a) Carrefour          b) Walmart      c) Kroger        d) Tesco        e) None of these
154. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has reduced the availability of funds under the export
          credit refinance (ECR) window from 50 per cent of export credit outstanding to what
          per cent with immediate effect?
          a) 40 per cent         b) 36 per cent             c) 32 per cent    
         d) 25 per cent         e) 40 per cent
155.  The market regulator SEBI wants the govt to part its holdings in PSUs to ensure what per
          cent public share holding in these firms? The regulator has successfully implemented the  
           same for private companies.
          a) 10 per cent     b) 15 per cent         c) 20 per cent     d) 25 per cent     e) 40 per cent
156.  International hockey suffered a big setback as the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah,
          passed away recently. He was a father figure for hockey in which of the following
          a) Indonesia         b) Malaysia       c) Yemen       d) Pakistan          e) None of these
157.  Who has authored the book redesigning the Aeroplane While Flying: Reforming
          a) Pallavi Aiyar           b) Mihir Shah                     c) Arun Maira     
          d) Sam Pitroda           e) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
158.  The leaders of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) group
          took part in the swearingin ceremony of the new PM Narendra Modi recently. Which
          of the following countries is NOT a member of the SAARC group?
          a) China       b) Afghanistan         c) Bhutan       d) Nepal         e) Mauritius
159.  Which of the following statements is/are NOT correct with respect to a recent decision
          Taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) related to currency?
          (A) Non-resident Indians (NRIs) who were so far not allowed to take any Indian currency
                 Notes out of the country have been allowed to take out up to Rs. 25,000.
          (B) The citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh will be allowed to take only Rs. 10,000
                 out of India.
          (C) Indian residents who were so far only allowed to take out Rs. 10,000 have also been
                allowed a higher limit of Rs. 25,000.
                a) Only (A)       b) Only (B)        c) Only (C)       d) Only (A) and (B)    
                e) Only (A) and (C)  
160.  In the first decision after assuming office, the Narendra Modi govt constituted a special
          investigative team (SIT) to unearth black money. Which of the following is NOT
          correct about the new SIT?
          a)  It will be headed by former Supreme Court judge Mukul Mudgal.
          b)  It will include Revenue Secretary, CBI and IB directors, Enforcement Directorate
               officials CBDT Chairman and RBI deputy governor.
          c)  Former Supreme Court judge Arijit Pasayat will be the vice-chairman of the panel.
          d)  It has been charged with the responsibility and duties of investigation, initiation of
               Proceedings and prosecution in cases involving unaccounted money.
         e)   None of these
161.  Which of the following movies won the prestigious Palme d’Or award, the festivals
           highest honour, at the 67th annual Cannes Film Festival?  
           a) Foxcatcher          b) Mr Turner           c) Maps to the Stars    
          d) The Wonders        e) Winter Sleep
162.  Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and Rural Electrification Corp (REC) rescued Reliance
          Infrastructure’s power distribution companies in Delhi by disbursing a combined --------
          To clear the dues of NTPC recently.
          a. . 400cr       b. . 600cr           c.  . 800cr       d.  . 1000cr     e. None of these
163.  Which of the following television channels is all set to air Amitabh Bachchan’s
          Television debut in the fiction show named Yudh? 
          a) Colors         b) Sony        c) Zee TV        d) Star TV        e) Life OK
164.  What per cent FDI is allowed in online retail companies that own inventory and sell
          directly to consumers?
          a) 100 per cent          b) 74 per cent         c) 49 per cent
          d) 26 per cent             e) FDI not allowed
165.  The sixth BRICS  summit is scheduled to be held in which of the following countries in Jul
          which will be the first overseas multilateral visit for the Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
          a) China       b) Russia         c) Brazil          d) South Africa          e) None of these
166.  Which of the following Internet grains came up with ‘right to be forgotten’ option recently?
          this option has been brought for the people who opt for removal of results about them.
          a) Google         b) Face book          c) LinkedIn           d) Whatsapp       e) None of these
167.  Who among the following has been sworn in as the first Chief Minister of the newly 
          formed  29th state of the country, Telangana?
          a) Vijayashanti          b) YS Jaganmohan Reddy      c) T Harish Rao
          d) N Chandrababu Naidu
168.  The celebrated Indian sportsperson Yogeshwar Dutt is associated with which of the
         following games?
          a) Wrestling        b) Boxing          c) Badminton        d) Shot-put        e) None of these
169. The promoters of the Kotak Mahindra Bank reduced their stake in the lender as per the
         directions from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The RBI has asked the bank to cut its
          promoter holding to what per cent by Sep 2014?
          a) 60%        b) 40%        c) 20%          d) 10%          e) None of these
170.  In its efforts to contain inflation in the country, the RBI announced to suck out excess
          Liquidity recently. The Central bank uses which of the following tools to suck excess  
           a) Reverse repo       b) Repo      c) CRR         d) SLR           e) None of these
171.  The movie Frozen has become the fifth highest-grossing film in box office history across
          the  world, recently. Which of the following movies is the highest all-time grosser?
          a) Avatar          b) Titanic             c) The Avengers       
          d) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows             e) None of these
172.  ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) has signed a deal with Rosneft to jointly explore hydrocarbons
          In the offshore Arctic region. Rosneft is the largest oil and gas producer of which of the
          following countries?
          a) US     b) Russia           c) China          d) Uzbekistan       e) None of these
173.  Which of the following teams lifted Thomas Cup men’s badminton championship title
           a) Indonesia           b) China             c) Malaysia        d) Japan     e) India
174.   As the trends show, households in India put two-thirds of their savings in which of the
           Following assets in 2012-13?
           a) Pension and insurance funds          b) physical assets           c) bonds
          d) bank deposits           e) None of these
175.  Who among the following has become the first Indian to be honoured with Harvard
           Medal recently?
           a) Azim Premji          b) Anand Mahindra         c) Sunil Bharti Mittal    
          d) Adi Godrej             e) Kumar Mangalam Birla
176. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hiked the amount of foreign exchange up to which an
         individual can take out of the country in a fiscal year, recently. What is the amount?
         a) $75,000       b) $100,000      c) $125,000   d) $200,000          e) None of these
177.  Who among the following took over as the new Chief Information Commissioner in the
          central Information Commission recently?
          a) Syed Asif Ibrahim          b) Rajiv Mathur       c) N Sandhu
          d) PC Haldar            e) None of these
178.  India lost to which of the following countries and settled for a historic bronze in Uber
          cup women’s badminton tournament, recently?
          a) Denmark       b) Japan       c) Indonesia    d) China      e) None of these
179.  King Juan Carlos is the present king of which of the following countries? The cabinet of
          the country is to discuss his abdication and the accession of his son, Crown Prince Felipe.
          a) Norway       b) Spain       c) Argentina       d) Poland       e) None of these
180.  Which of the following statements is correct with respect to Arihant? It is
           a) India’s first indigenously built nuclear submarine
           b) India’s first fighter jet armed with nuclear warheads
           c) India’s first indigenously built nuclear reactor
           d) India’s first indigenously built aircraft carrier
           e) None of these
141.  a         142.   c        143.  b         144.   d      145.  c
146.  a         147.   e        148.  c         149.   d       150.  d
151.  b         152.  c         153.  d         154.   c       155.  d
156.  b         157.  c         158.  a         159.   d       160.  a
161.  e          162.  d        163.  b        164.    e       165.  c
166.  a          167.  e        168.  a         169.    b       170.  a
171.  a          172.  b        173.  d         174.   b        175.  b
176.  c          177.   b       178.  b         179.   b        180.  a

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