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Location: SOUTH INDIAN BANK Regional Office, Coimbatore
Session : Forenoon(9 A.M)
I reached the location at 8.45 A.M and they called all the candidates to wait in hall around 8.55 A.M.
Two SIB staff came greeted us and asked to sign in the attendance sheet.There was 32 candidates in our session i was 21.Around 7-8 candidates are absent.
Then the certificate verification started and around 9.45 A.M and they checked one by one and the interview started at around 10.15 A.M.
I was called at 1.10 P.M and there was 3 panel members and all are male.
1.Asked my name and abt my family member saw my profile and asked u know malayalam and how u know?
3.Why banking after Engg.
4. say something abt SIB
5.what is scheduled bank
6.what is CBS
7.What is the software used for CBS in SIB
8.who is the service provider for CBS in SIB
9.Any other extra curricular activities and questions from that
10.who is the first governor general of free india
11.full form of NPS,FII and FDI
Over all it was good just 10mins
All the Best fiends!!!
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