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Essay writing for SBI PO 2014

ollow this link and you may get a lot of points.  

also topics like

financial inclusion

need for new private sector banks

expectations of people from the new government

reasons for change in governing party at the Centre

Steps you recommend for solving unemployment problem

Measures to be given topmost importance by the new Government

Absolute majority in Parliament may not help our country to improve its economy -- your views

Coalition politics era has come to an end--your views

Housing Finance --should it be given an impetus or not?

Reasons for big industrial houses becoming NPA

Government should reduce its share capital in public sector banks to 35/40% --your views.

Present buoyancy in stock market -- will it last or disappear

Supreme Court recognises transgenders as third gender

Rising inflation in India leads to stagflation --your views

Banking industry's advances on account of new technology

Impact of media on society

Impact of media on economy

Recycling of products -- Advantages and disadvantages

The current economic situation and the possible remedy

Harassment of women in workplaces

Electoral reforms in India

Aadhar card -- relevance for a citizen

Cheque Truncation system and its advantages to bank customers

Child marriages in India

The Globalisation of Indian economy

Cyber crimes and their prevention

Criminalisation of Politics

 The scourge of terrorism – A grave challenge to National Security

Food Security and India

Role of Bharatiya Mahila Bank

Environmental jurisprudence

Have we becomes slaves of Technology?

impact of mobile phones on our health
For writing essay on these topics browse /search to , collect points and then write briefly.

best wishes


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