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a recent bank interview -- clerks

Name:Rajib Kumar Behera
Bank:United Bank Of India
Time:01.00 PM
There was 4 members in the panel including a lady.
My interview was started @ 5.10 pm.

Q1:Describe abt urself.

Q2:Why u left ur job?
Ans:Sir,I want to make career in Progressive & Growth oriented Organisation that can provide me global exposure and competitive environment.Moreover,my skills n abilities were not properly rewarded As I was getting fair amount..

Q3:What subjects u taught?
Ans:Analog,Digital Electronics and Basic Electronics.

Q4:During Experience explaining time they asked me abt "Global Exposure”.U could have also gone for IT or Telecom Sector..
Ans:Well Sir,Banking Sector is also like IT or Telecom Sector where u will get competitive work culture,continuous learning opportunities,stable monetary benefits .In IT field u may lay off from ur company during recession but not in Public Sector.

Q5:Tell me something about ur district ANGUL.

Q6:Is Bhushan Power and Steel Plant located in Angul or Dhenkanal? What recent incidents happening in the Plant?

Q7.Then comes lady’s turn,she asked me about whether one can open 2 accounts in 2 different branches of same bank?
Ans:Yes mam,We can ...

Q8.M2: Do u have any account and in which bank and which type of Account?
Ans:State Bank Of India(SBI) ,Saving Bank Account.

Q9:What is the Saving Deposit Rate and When it is added to ur account?Have u ever checked it in ur passbook?
Ans:Currently it is 4% Per Annum.It is calculated by daily basis and added quarterly in ur account.

Q10:Can u deposit money in ATM centre?
Ans:Yes Sir,we have cash deposit machines in ATM counter but r very less no..

Q11:What is ATM and Online Banking?
Ans:Automated Teller Machine.It is an electronic telecommunication device that enables us to perform financial transactions without the need of a cashier,human clerk or bank teller..
Online Banking is performing financial transactions on a secured website..We can do many tasks at home like viewing account balances,fund transfer,accnt statement,banking transactions,downloading bank statements etc..

Q12.What is CBS in banking?
Ans:Core Banking Solutions.The Platform where communication Technology and Information Technology r merged to suit core needs of banking like Recordings Of Transactions,Passbook Maintenance,Interest calculations on Loans and Deposits,Customer Records,Balance Of Payment and Withdrawal etc .is known as CBS.Bank customers Can Access their funds from any of the member branch offices as their branch server is connected to the central server..

Q13.Have u ever worked as a Volunteer and what qualities u need to be a good volunteer?
Ans:Yes Sir,in my B.Tech time I was a good volunteer.To be a successful volunteer we need Passion,Commitment towards work ,Positive Attitude,Assertive,Appreciative,Discipline and be Flexible

Q14.Why didn’t u get any campus selection in B.Tech time?
Ans: Yes Sir,I had tried my best in the software sector but I was keen interested in the telecom sector.Only one telecom company Tessolve had come and I had qualified for interview but the interviewer asked only one question to the last 10 students.But the talent cannot b judged in only one question.

Q15.Why B.Tech graduates like u will be successful as we the panel members r not from technical background?
Ans:Sir,in these days technology is being used in the bank in each and every section.Be it Internet Banking ,Mobile Banking,Cheque Truncation System(CTS),NEFT,RTGS etc..So a technical graduate can perform well for the better efficiency & productivity of the organisation with minimal effort .Moreover, now a days Every Bank needs SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises).Banks r sanctioning their loan after verification n valuation of project which can b handled by engineers effectively as compared to non-tech graduates..

Q16.Have U Attempted IBPS Specialist Officers-3 Exam?
Ans:Yes sir,Yesterday we gave the exam and my attempt was 122.

Q17.They told me 2 read few sentences in Odia(Regional Language) from sambad newspaper as they want 2 check if he is eligible 4 clerk post or not..and also told me to write few sentences abt a topic in Odia..

Q18.One of the member asked me in Odia that have u ever been to ur village?
Ans:Yes Sir,my village is my birth place,upto 2 years I was there and then we shifted to Banarpal near Nalco As my father was the employee of that company.After that I have visited my village quite a few times..

All the Panel members were supportive and smiling..
All The Best To U All..Have A Good Luck..
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