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Essay topics that may be expected--in the next six months

Topics that we may expect in SBI exam - guess
 1. financial inclusion
 2. 2G scam
 3. Is China a threat to India in economic development?
 4. Measures u suggest for eradication of corruption in political and business circles
 5. Use cloud computing in communication
 6. Measures u suggest for fighting inflation
 7. Terrorism - has been continuing in spite of efforts of government. What corrective measures do you suggest 8. Computer games spoil outdoor games -- give a brief analaysis
 9. The role played by banks in our country's economic growth
 10. Sarva Shiksha abhiyan -- Your critical analysis of its implementation

 These topics are only indicative. If u think some other topic is relevant u may feel free to send me email and I may include the same in the list. (s.sambasivan) now in Detroit. usa
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