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Common Written Examination - Probationary Officers --2011

I have already posted a blog inviting attention to the advertisement given by IBPS regarding the above.

A candidate has written asking for clarification and I thought it is worth posting my reply as a blog so that it will benefit not only him but also other candidates.

"I have got the following doubts after reading the adv clearly.they are

English is a qualifying one or score will be considered for selection

Can you explain about the cut of marks as i was unable to understand from the adv

What will be the decent score to be eligible for every bank."

May be similar doubts may be therein the minds of other candidates also.

There will be an objective test consisting of 250 questions to be answered in composite time of 150 minutes. In all the subjects 50 questions will be given.

English 25
Quant.Aptitude 50
Banking related
General Awareness 50
Awareness 50
--- 225 marks

Time allocation suggested -
Reasoning - 40 mins
QA - 40 mins
GA - 20 mins
Computer - 30 mins
English -20 mins.

You may choose either Reasoning or QA and start and after the time is over stop that and go to another section. Like this you have to compartmentalise the time available and answer questions from all subjects . Remember negative marking is there and hence you should mark an answer only if you know at least 60% confident about it. Attempt at least 60% questions within this time and out of that even if 90% is right you may be eligible for interview.

For descriptive test -- use all the time given fully - write in one language - Hindi or English -- all the questions should be attempted. - Essay-precis-letter writing etc. Write in legible hand writing. Essay should be written in 3 or four paras. Precis you can have a rough then write fair one and give title. Letter writing should done neatly in a format. Over writing should not be there. Spelling mistakes should not be there. Grammar mistakes should not be there. Once you take this test also seriously you will be qualifying for interview and when you get interview please send email to for guidance. Wherever I may be I will send reply email.

Desc.Paper on
English composition
Letter writing) 25 marks

250 marks

The above tests except the Test of English Language and Descriptive Paper on English Composition will be printed bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.
The Descriptive Papers of only those candidates who secure minimum qualifying
marks in each of the objective tests will be evaluated.

All the above tests except English Language (objective) will be in English and Hindi so that candidates who are not comfortable with English will be able to understand well and answer questions relating to reasoning, quantitative aptitude, banking related general awareness, computer awareness. You may see that English Language objective has weightage of 25 marks only and that means each correct answer will get 0.5 mark. Eligibility marks will be decided out of 225 -- cut off marks for each subject will be there. this is to make it compulsory - that candidates should attempt questions relating to all the five subjects and not answer two or three or four subjects only. Objective English is also important in that you must secure the minimum cut off and also if u score more in it will help you in overall total marks eligibility.

Divide the time for each subject - English is only 25 marks and qualifying .

The descriptive papers of those candidates who have secured over and above the cut off marks in objective papers only will be corrected and then mark list issued. This mark list will be valid for a period of one year. The candidates can apply for Bank PO jobs in the 19 nationalised banks along with the mark sheets. Depending on cut off set by the respective banks candidates will be called for interview and final selection made.

Other detailed information regarding the written examination will be given in an
Information Handout, on IBPS website which will be made available for the
candidates to download along with the call letter.
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Test. For each
question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If the total of the penalty for a test is in fraction, the marks obtained will be rounded off to the nearest integer, i.e. if fraction exceeds by 0.50 or more, it will be rounded off to next higher integer. If for any question a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as wrong even if one of the given answers happens to be right and there will be the same penalty of 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question deducted as penalty. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates will further be converted into standardized scores following Linear Conversion Method.
Each candidate will have to secure a minimum standardized score in each of the tests to qualify in the written examination and to be considered for vacancies in the participating banks. The cut-off points will be decided based on the average (Average – ¼ Standard Deviation for General category candidates and Average – ¾ Standard Deviation for Reserved Category candidates).
IBPS will print the Score Cards for each of the qualifying candidates and will send the same by Registered/ Speed post to each candidate at the correspondence address
specified in his/ her online application.
Score Cards issued by IBPS will be valid for one year from the date of issue of the Score Card. Candidates can appear in subsequent examination(s) to enhance their scores if they so desire."

quote ends.

It is expected that weightage for written test will be 70% (marks obtained for 250 will be converted for 70) and interview will be for 30 marks. This number may change depending on the decision of banks to give more weightage for interview or written test. clear picture about this will be known only after the scheme is implemented.

I thank Mr. Dileep for having raised the doubt and that helped me put this blog.
In case you any other doubts you can send mail to

To an extent possible I will answer your doubts if necessary by referring to others.
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now in Detroit, USA

I have been posting from 2009. So if you want on any subject please go to SEARCH in the blog and do search. it will take you to my blog here. If u do not find suitable one please send email to me.
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