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Secrets of Succeeding in Bank Interviews

So you have passed the IBPS Exams or SBI Exam, and now you have been invited into your first face-to-face interview with the bank. Here are some great tips that most people do not know that can help you gain a competitive edge.

Before the Interview...

1. Check out about the interview panel

People hire people they like. So, your job is not only to impress them with your skills and experience, but also to get them to like you and want to work with you.

Generally Bank interviews will be carried out by a panel of 6-10 members ( sometime s only 2-3 also but it happens very rarely)

Search for the bank's top executives name and find their twitter and Linkedin profiles to get the feel of the interviewers and generally what they will be interesting to know.

2. Search for former employees.

In LinkedIn you can search for past employees and may also find the bank employees in your locality also. Here you will find a rich source of insights, and information regarding the position, the managers, and the corporate culture.

Regarding the request, the best way to ask for information is to use something like the following:
"I found you on LinkedIn and noticed that your background includes working at XYZ Bank. I am interviewing there and wondered if you could answer just a few questions as a random act of kindness. I promise not to take much of your time and thank you in advance."

You can also search your college alumni database to see if anyone worked there. A fellow "alum" is generally more likely to respond to your request than someone with whom you have nothing in common.

3. Research the BANK.

Of course you will check the company out by viewing their web site. You should also see their presence on Twitter (and follow them), Facebook, LinkedIn, and even YouTube. That’s all pretty standard.

Here are some other things you can do, which vary depending on the type of position you are seeking.


Look for their financial statements and press releases. This is simpler for a public firm, but you can find basic information for pretty much any organization.

Check out their key financial ratios, read the Management Discussion & Analysis (MDA)  so you are better armed than other candidates in your discussions.


See what are the latest technologies that the bank has introduced and study them. Also look for the services it offer like Mobile Banking, Internet Banking and if possible get to the core difference between other banks. And you will see a unique feature will be there for every bank find out it and the rest is upon the questions being asked.

Google top executives of the bank for safety purpose, If they ask it you should not tell "I don't know". This question is not to check whether you are knowing the executives it is just to check how much interested you are in the position, and you have prepared for the job.

At the Interview...

4. Be prepared.

Did you know that you create a lasting impression in just 120 seconds?

Here are some things you need to consider to impress them.

a. Bring copies of your resume.
There is nothing that stalls an interview faster than when the manager says s/he forgot your resume, and you do not have an extra copy.

b. Practice your handshake. 
Your only and immediate physical intimacy is with your handshake, so practice it on your family members. Good tip: if you are concerned that your palms may be sweaty, sprinkle a little baby powder in your pocket.

c. Make eye contact and smile.
Show that you are happy to be there and looking forward to the discussion. People instinctively react well to happy, smiling people.

d. Energy level.
Put some bounce in your step. Act like you are excited to be there, and are filled with ideas.

e. Dress appropriately.
Do not overdress. You can also call the receptionist and ask what the dress code is. Receptionists generally love to help.

f. Be aware from the time you hit the lobby.
Assume you are on camera at all times. Treat the receptionist well as some firms will ask them for their impression.

g. Prepare answers to the common job interview questions.
Standard questions are usually asked by most employers. Be prepared for those questions by relating your answers to this specific employer, based on your research.

Follow these tips and you will see dramatic improvements in your Bank Interviews.

- Manohar Veera
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